From the Classroom

Mandarin - Performing Arts - Physical Education - Science - Visual Art

Year 5 and 6 Mandarin Excursion

  • I learnt that in Chinese temples they have a wall straight in the doorway because they believe spirits can only walk in a straight line - Sophia C
  • I learnt a lot of things about the Chinese Millenium Dragon like how it is 63m long which is the 2nd longest in Australia - Bodhi V
  • I learnt how the Chinese came to Australia during the goldrush - Leon G
  • I enjoyed walking around Chinatown and learning about historical buildings - Isabelle T
  • I enjoyed making the paper Chinese Dragon because we got to keep them as a moment - Eevee K
  • I really enjoyed the Dragon making because I learnt about the Emporer and the 9 totems, it was a very interesting story - Milla H
  • I enjoyed learning about how the important and wealthy Chinese were buried in jade burial suits and they had different threads tying them together. Gold for the Emporer, silver for the Emporess and bronze for the Princes and Princesses - Maddie B
  • I learnt that 8 is a really lucky number for Chinese people - Josh G
  • I learnt that 4 is a very unlucky number for Chinese people - Jack C
  • I learnt that bad spirits can not turn left or right in Chinese culture - Raymond C
  • I learnt that Long (dragon) has the head of a camel, the body of a snake, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of a cow, the horns of a deer, the claws of an eagle, the paws of a tiger, the belly of a frog and scales of a fish - Kristina Z
  • Going on the excursion helps us to learn Chinese culture easily. The best way to learn something is to see it and do it - Priscilla C