Around the Classrooms

Year 3/4T

Literacy: Explanation Texts

In Reading & Writing this term, we have jumped right into learning all about Explanation texts. We have been identifying the key parts of these texts, including the Identifying Statement, the Explanation Sequence and Summary Statement. In these lessons, we have been collecting information on a range of topics, and are using our writing skills to explain ‘What?’, ‘How?’ and ‘Why?’, for the selected topic. Some of the topics we have looked at so far include:

  • How do Humans breathe?
  • What are Cyclones?
  • How volcanoes erupt? 

‘What is a Cyclone’ by Frankie Bernadino

‘What is a Cyclone’ by Zach Fonseca


We have come so far in our writing this year and have made lots of growth as writers. We are able to write in structured paragraphs, spell increasingly complex words, reread our work to ensure it flows and makes sense. We’re also developing our editing skills through CUPS (capital letters, understanding, punctuation, and spelling). Later in the year, we’re excited to combine these literacy skills with our Inquiry project to write our own Explanation texts on the Sun, Earth, and Moon!


Inquiry: Our Beautiful Planet

We are very excited to be exploring the Earth, Moon and Sun in Inquiry this term. We have already started building models of these planets and stars to understand our Essential Question - ‘How does the relationship of the Earth, Sun and Moon impact life on Earth?’ 


These models have allowed us to visualise how Earth orbits the Sun and spins on its axis, which results in our days, nights, seasons, and years. With so many more questions to answer on this topic, we can’t wait to showcase all we’ve learned at our Inquiry Celebration later in the year!


A look into our Mathematics Learning

Maths Rotations - These help us practice the mathematics skills we have learnt so far this year, develop skills to solve problems fluently and have fun!


Multiplication and Division - This term we have learnt a new efficient strategy for solving Multiplication and Division, called the Area Model. We found that this is a great way to solve equations with bigger numbers.

Tahira Tannen - Class 3/4T teacher

Term 4 Year Level Newsletter

Click here to read what is happening in all year levels during Term 4