Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS)

Part of my role as Mental Health Wellbeing Leader can be to help students by listening to their worries or concerns and by helping them to solve problems.
I have introduced the ChatterBox system to facilitate this process if needed.
How it works:
- Students may want to talk about something that they need some help with to think through, or resolve.
- They place their name in the ChatterBox in the office.
- On Wednesdays and Thursdays I can meet with the students to listen to their story and help them work through it.
- Conversations will be confidential, unless I believe a child is not safe and I am obliged to talk to the principal and follow the Child Safe Policy guidelines.
- I may not get to every student each week.
Please note, this is not a counselling service, as I am not a qualified counsellor. I am providing the students with an option of another trusted adult in their lives, along with their parents, teachers and staff, who can listen to them.
Joe Quinn
Mental Health Wellbeing Leader.