Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
2I has had another amazing start to the term.
We started this term by diving deep into the funny and informative text, The Gentle Genius of Trees, by Philip Bunting.
2I learnt some interesting facts about trees. For example, how trees communicate through their roots “forming a wood-wide web”. As well as the amazing way that trees filter our air.
To assist in our understanding of the structure of a persuasive text, we worked in groups and sequenced different examples, on topics like “Dogs are better than cats” and “Summer is better than winter”.
We have used this information to plan and write persuasive texts about “Why are trees important?”.
In Maths, we have been doing some great mathematical thinking. We have been finding the links and relationship between both addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division.
Last week, we had particular fun, exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects, and writing who am I clues? See if you can guess these?
2I are incredibly excited about the Stage 1 excursion we are going on today and can’t wait to share some photos with you in the next newsletter.
Mrs Idstein - K-2 Assistant Principal
Stage 2
Literacy groups
4F have been bringing stories to life through Drama! By focusing on gestures and body language, we have been learning how to express emotions and ideas in creative ways. Working as a team, we’ve explored characters, settings, and storytelling techniques—with some students even creating their own scripts by creating roles and a storyline. The photos below show 4F working in Roselea’s beautiful passive area to practise and write their plays.
As a class, we have been reading the text Kicking Goals about the friendship between Adam Goodes and Michael O’Loughlin. Students have been researching biographical details of a chosen role model. These details include their professional achievements, personal characteristics, inspirations, community contributions, and how they motivate others. The students then turned this information into a persuasive text, using facts and examples, to show why their role models are truly inspiring.
4F also had a visit from the Year 5 debating team, who shared some of their persuasive speeches with the class. Their impressive debating skills demonstrated many of the persuasive techniques we’ve been learning in class, such as using rhetorical questions, high modality and personal pronouns to engage the audience. It was interesting for everyone in 4F to see how these skills are applied in the real world, and how effective arguments can have a powerful impact.
Twilight Fair
Our wonderful class artwork is ready, and the excitement is building for the big event! 4F can’t wait for the upcoming Twilight Fair this Saturday! To get into the spirit, we had a ‘hair-raising’ time on Silly Hair Day, showing off our crazy and colourful styles. We set up tables in the passive area, and created posters for the Twilight Fair during lunch. We are all looking forward to this fantastic day!
Ms Fairgrieve - 4F Classroom Teacher
Stage 3
This term, Stage 3 students have immersed themselves in the captivating novel "August and Jones," a story that beautifully interweaves themes of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, students have delved into the characters’ journeys, exploring how their experiences resonate with their own lives. The novel has provided a rich backdrop for developing critical thinking skills as students analyse character motivations and the impact of their choices. Creative projects, such as character diaries and visual storyboards, have allowed students to express their understanding and empathy towards the characters, making the learning experience both enjoyable and meaningful.
In addition to enhancing their literary skills, students have also engaged in collaborative learning experiences, fostering teamwork and communication. Group discussions have encouraged them to share their perspectives and insights, promoting a deeper understanding of the novel’s themes. As part of this spotlight on learning, students have also connected their insights from "August and Jones" to broader social issues, encouraging them to think critically about the world around them. This engaging exploration of literature has not only enriched their reading skills but also nurtured a sense of community within the classroom, as students celebrate their diverse interpretations and collective learning journey.
Mr Yu - 6Y Classroom Teacher