Parents' and Friends' Association (PFA)

Upcoming Events in Term 4:

Twilight Sports Carnival Sausage sizzle  

Friday 29th November 


The PFA will be running a fundraising sausage sizzle at the Twilight Sports Carnival this year and are requiring assistance 

to make this evening enjoyable for all. 


A roster has been created to allow you to be able to volunteer at times that do not clash with your child’s events.


** Each time slot is only 15 minutes long during the sports sessions and 30 minutes long after sports. 


Please click on the link below to sign up for a time slot.


Anyone assisting with the BBQ will need to complete a 15 minute “Do Food Safely” online course issued by Monash council. Certificates of completion will need to be sent through to Melanie in advance of the event.

If you have any issues accessing the document or registering your name, please contact Melanie Harper on 0415261554.


Sushi Lunch - Wednesday 27th of November


Orders are made online through

Please enter our schools name into the search drop box once you have clicked the ‘find my school’ tab.


Orders close at 10am Tuesday 26th of November

** No late orders can be accepted.

Zooper Dooper Wednesdays are back !!

Please make sure $1 is handed to your child’s classroom teacher in the morning.


Remember that we always welcome assistance from our fellow 

parents and guardians.


If you would like to help at any of our upcoming events please contact us at


Our PFA 2024 Class Representatives are:


Prep ASia Roussos & Terri Abeysekera
Prep BSarah Koh 
1 / 2 CJanina Pereira Mok
1 / 2 DLisa Alizzi
1 / 2 EJoanne Saulys
3 / 4 FVerina Pang 
3 / 4 GErica Madgin & Julie Moretti 
3 / 4 HLara Akinsanya
5 / 6 ISetareh Jafari
5 / 6 JMandy Hjorth
5 / 6 LManj Senn & Silvia Miracola


Have a great week ahead everyone!