From the Guardians of St Leonard's

Nude Food Day
Nude Food Day on 25th of November has been planned by the Guardians of St Leonard's as a result of the recent waste audit they conducted with Celina and Naomi from the Monash Council. The results are below and show just how important it is for us to be more mindful with regard to the ways we recycle, compost and dispose of our general waste.
Waste Audit Results
After discussing our results, the guardians wish to make changes to the ways we consume and dispose of our waste at St Leonard's.
New signs have been put on each of our bins to help staff and students remember what can be placed into each bin, and the guardians ran an assembly last week to educate everyone on the things they have learnt. To reduce our waste even further we aim to become a 'NUDE FOOD' School by the end of 202, and the first step to reaching this goal begins on the 25th of November for our first NUDE FOOD DAY!
What is nude food?
Nude Food is simply food that is not wrapped in foil or plastic or commercial packaging. The best type of nude food consists mainly of fresh food, so that it is healthy and nutritious PLUS environmentally friendly.
Promoting Nude Food empowers students to make conscious choices about what they eat, encourages them to think about their impact on the environment (and their health) and reduces waste. You might be amazed with how enthused your child can become on this.
Tips for Packing Nude Food Lunches:
Try to involve the kids in helping decide what to take. This will help to avoid uneaten foods being thrown out, plus will save your family money as well. Also, remember to praise your child if they do eat something healthy which is new for them.
Try to pack the lunches the night before and store in the fridge overnight to avoid the mad rush in the morning.
If your child normally enjoys chips, yoghurt or other prepackaged snacks, buy these in bulk/in larger packets and you can decant these into smaller reusable containers or straight into the lunchbox.
If your child does enjoy chips, why not try making your own vegie versions using sliced beetroot, parsnip or sweet potato and baking in the oven?
Try to use fruit and vegetables that are in season. Seasonal produce is friendly to the environment as well as to your budget, as less fuels are used to transport it into your supermarket.
Go to for Nude Food recipe ideas.
To pack a Nude Food Lunch or Snack, you will need:
-Cutlery from home is better than throw away plastic ones
-Plastic or metal drink bottles are recommended for refilling with water
-Reusable containers for putting all of your food, snacks and drinks into
-Lunch boxes that have lots of separate sections can be useful to avoid lost lids or containers
Please avoid:
• Zip lock or plastic bags, plastic wrap or aluminium foil
• Tetra packed drinks or single serve yoghurts and cheese
• Single use plastic forks and spoons
• Pre packaged food, i.e. biscuits, snack bars and chips
Our aim is to become a Nude Food School, meaning nude food lunches every day to reduce our waste and help our environment. From this day onwards, please try to pack a nude food lunch box every day to begin practising. Let’s work together to reduce the waste we consume at St Leonard’s.
We look forward to the day and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Your green team,
The Guardians of St Leonard's & Miss Sammut