Performing Arts
Dance Night
Congratulations to all students involved in the Semester 2 Dance Night on October 25th. The show was a fantastic display of student choreography and learnt works from across the semester. Thank you to Lindy Mumme, Anne Corry, Georgia Culvenor, Jordan Evans, Dominique Spataro (Year 10), Krystal Aston-Dodson (Year 10), Emma Milis (Year 10), Izzie Brown (Year 10) and Brooke Marsland (Year 12) for their help in making Dance Night as wonderful as it was!
If your dancer or aspiring dancer is interested in joining our extra-curricular program in 2025, please get in touch at
Please enjoy some of the fabulous photography from the Year 10 Event Management team captured at our Dress Rehearsal!
Siobhan Judge (Dance Leader)
Year 11 Music Performance Evening
On Wednesday, 6th November our Year 11 Drama and Music classes had their Semester 2 performance evening. Act 1 was a showcase of group work from Drama and Music students. Act 2 showcased solos from music students. One of the highlights was the premiering of students’ own compositions, such as “Mirror” by Nina Bagaric, Eva Goudie, Alannah McDonald and Sophie Richmond; “Floating” by Indi Lewis, “Bored” by Wendy Haythornthwaite and “The Waiting Room” by Audrey Ahmed.
Congratulations to our class of 2024: Audrey Ahmed, Nina Bagaric, Astro Ben-Arieh, Lucy Christensen, Meera Datt, Eva Goudie, Wendy Haythornthwaite, Indi Lewis, Alannah McDonald, Scarlett Mulhall, Emily Pilepich, Eli Rampano-Kelly, Sophie Richmond, Elena Salmas and Shuzhong Wu.
Thank you to everyone for coming and a special shout out to our Year 10 Event Management students for their help organizing and running the event: Ellie West, Mia Kliegl and Giselle Jozsa.
Anne Corry
Year 11 Music
Year 11 Performance Evening
On the Wednesday following the Melbourne Cup the Year 11 Performing Arts students presented their end of year concert, celebrating music group performances, solo performances and drama ensemble presentations. The year 11 Drama students were given the topic of …
“SICK” ………The Greatest Disease
These performances focussed on what each group considered to be the greatest disease. Each group explored and presented a historical and modern-day exploration of diseases and considered: the history of these diseases, the times, social and cultural contexts in which these diseases occurred. A climactic moment was reached whereby each groups’ version of the greatest of all diseases was revealed.
Year 9 & 10 Performance Evening
Congratulations to our year 9 & 10 Performing Arts students who performed their end of semester presentations on Tuesday night. There was a great variety of musical numbers from the year 9 Music students. The year 10 Drama students explored the changing face of friendships in a world increasingly consumed by social media with the added implications of Artificial Intelligence.
Sister Act
Following this evening, on Wednesday the 13th, the year 9 & 10 students celebrated with a trip to the theatre to see the current musical hit “Sister Act” at the Regent Theatre.
Some students were lucky enough meet James Bryers who played “Curtis Jackson” – the bad guy in “Sister Act”