
Acknowledgement System
Last week we started a trial of a whole school acknowledgement system. Students have been rewarded with tokens for demonstrating the school value of respect. Tokens are then placed in the jar at the front office and if it is full by the end of this week, the whole school will be rewarded with a session of free play in the yard. The trial is part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) implementation. This framework focuses on creating a positive and supportive learning environment for all students.
Working Bee
Despite the rain, we had a fantastic turn out for the Term 4 Working Bee. Thank you to all those who were able to attend and pitch in to get the school looking great for the end of the year. Plenty of work was done around the school, with the focus being the preparation of the new garden bed between the playground and portables. Many wheelbarrows of soil and mulch were brought up the hill, to get it into a good spot for future planting and landscaping.
2025 Parent Payment Policy
Recently, information was sent home regarding our 2025 parent payments. Based on DE's Parent Payment Policy, schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian Curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you in advance, for all your support, whether that is through fundraising or volunteering your time. The financial contributions of our families, makes a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.
On Tuesday 10 December, our Prep to Year 5 students will participate in a ‘Next Steps’ program, designed to take the mystery out of the transition from the current year of learning to the next. Students will be placed into two groups and participate in carefully designed sessions. These are NOT an indicator of the 2025 classes and should not be interpreted as such. On Tuesday 17 December, students will meet their 2025 classes with their expected teacher, on the Solway Orientation Day. It will be excellent if all students in years Prep-5 are at school for these sessions. This can be an anxious time for the students who do not manage change with confidence, and an exciting time for others. Parents can support their children by maintaining a positive approach to the changes, and encouraging a growth mindset…… “you may not know this teacher well yet….. but you will soon, and it will be ok” or “ you will have the opportunity to make many more friends in this new class…..”.
Gifts and Hospitality Policy
As we prepare for the end of year festivities, it is important for parents to remember we must follow the Department of Education Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy. Cash vouchers that can be ‘universally’ used in the same way as cash, such as a financial institution issued debit card, remain prohibited under the policy. A copy of the Department of Education’s Gifts, Benefits and Hospital Policy can be found here. If you are unsure and would like any clarification, please ask.
Solway Carols Evening
All classes have commenced their preparation for the Carols Christmas Evening to be held on Thursday 12 December, commencing at 5:30pm. Students are encouraged to come along in their Christmas attire, ready to perform with their classes on this very special night on the School Calendar. Students will sit together with their classes during the evening. Parents are encouraged to bring a rug or chairs, a picnic dinner or purchase a sausage from the BBQ. Please gather in front of the Performing Arts Stage anytime from 4:30pm.
Music performances
Thank you to all who attended our instrumental music concert last Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to celebrate the amazing work that happens in our instrumental program. A massive thank you to Jenny Dixon for coordinating the afternoon.
Thank you for your support and lets all strive to be “our best always”.