VHAP English

Creating dystopian themed audio productions
Recently student participants from the Victorian High Ability Program attended an all day masterclass making dystopian themed audio productions. In the session students brainstormed story ideas, wrote up scripts and recorded a fictional narrative centered on ‘The Incident’.
The delight of a project like this is seeing (and hearing) the wonderful concepts students were able to generate come to life as they worked together; the creativity of this cohort is a joy!
Concepts included a secret inner voice that is a government run population control device, a ‘what if an influencer got picked to go to the Hunger Games’ story, a story that centred on the fact the students could speak Croatian, German and Italian (and the story used them talking to google translate) and a tragic tale of two sisters leaving voice messages to each other during a pandemic and had lost touch after a fight.
Great work everyone!
If any student wishes to have a play with making their own audio production: we have the equipment and are more than willing to support a secret radio club, just message me or stalk me around campus.
~Dean Ashton