
Highlights from 2024 and looking ahead to next year
Now that the first year of the program comes to its conclusion, we are now excited to present the program in its 2025 iteration. Reflecting on the year, I would like to celebrate and acknowledge the great work that our Enrichments teachers have put in to offer a wide range of experiences to our students.
What is the aim of the program?
The program aims at supporting students in further developing their ability to be curious. Curiosity is one of our school values and is essential to being a successful learner. The Enrichment program will continue to provide students with opportunities to be curious about themselves and the world they live in.
The overall goal of all courses within the Enrichment Program is to encourage our students to try new things, embrace the joy of learning and further their curiosity in a low-stake environment.
Because there is no formal assessment of the skills and knowledge acquired during Enrichments, teachers are able to promote greater students’ agency and flexibility within the program.
Highlights from 2024
Some of the highlights of the program consist of the wonderful connection that some of our middle school students built with the residents of a local aged care centre. Another group of students dedicated their time to cleaning Merri Creek. Our Senior students learnt about Science from a First Nations' perspective and organised fundraising for various causes throughout the year. Our Social Design students presented a proposal to our principal team on how to improve the uniform. Junior students produced great pieces of writing in their creative writing sessions. Our Year 7 all completed the eSMART program which provided them with valuable digital literacy skills whilst many students also enjoyed meeting peers from other classes and challenge them at a game of chess or cards.
How will the program run in 2025?
In the Junior School (year 7 and 8) enrichments will run fortnightly all year with classes made up of both year 7 and 8. This allows for greater ability to accommodate students’ preferences.
In the Middle School (Year 9 and 10) enrichments will run weekly and students will remain in their form groups.
In the Senior School, Year 11 enrichments will run fortnightly in term 1, 2 and 3 whilst Year 12 enrichments will run fortnightly in term 1 and 2. In term 3, Year 12s will be using the time for supervised studies.
Each Enrichment is a 5-lesson program, and students will rotate through a variety of Enrichments over the course of the year.
How are students allocated their enrichments?
For Junior and Senior students, the full list of enrichments on offer in 2025 and their description will be communicated to students and families via Teams and Compass Newsfeed. Students will then enter their preferences via Edval. Once the timetable is finalised, communication will be sent to students with the list of all their enrichments for the year.
Whilst the school will do its best to accommodate students’ wishes, we cannot guarantee that students will get all their preferred enrichments. However, one of the main aspects of the program is to encourage curiosity and we are confident that the quality of our enrichments and teachers will ensure that all students will complete their course with a new skill, interest or talent!
For Middle students, as they have enrichments every week (instead of fortnightly), students will rotate through all the Enrichments on offer over the course of Year 9 and Year 10. This means that students won’t require to put in preferences as they will complete all enrichments. It will also allow students to remain in their Connect groups for their Enrichments. This will address the feedback from this age cohort that they miss spending time in their Connect groups and allow for more cohesive groups.
How can families support the Enrichment program?
When applicable, discuss the enrichments on offer and encourage your child to nominate something that they might not already have the opportunity to do. Encourage students to be curious and excited about learning something new or meeting new people and teachers.
During the year, ask about your child’s enrichments and encourage them to make connections with their lives outside of school. Reinforce the idea that being uncomfortable when trying something new is normal and is something we can get better at with practice.
What’s next?
If your child is in year 7, 8, 11 or 12 next year, look out for the communication on Compass regarding how students can enter their preferences and make sure that they enter their preferences in by the due date. All relevant information will also be communicated to students via their Year Level Teams Channel.
What Enrichments will be offered next year?
Junior | Middle | Senior |
eSMART* | Understanding the Holocaust ** | Life after VCE |
Maths Games | Book Club | VCE Study Skills |
Book club | Think like a journalist | Sport |
Creative writing | Happiness and Contentment: The Four Pillars Model | First Nations Cultural Awareness |
Coding | Study Skills | Self defence |
Mindfulness | Mindfulness | Taking Control of Finance |
Inquiry | Aged Care Visits | Mindful painting |
Good School Routines | Critical Thinking | Maths Extension |
Merri Creek Clean Up | STEM Computer skills | Fundraiser for a cause |
Be crafty ! | Voices of Country: Exploring Indigenous Perspective | Chess |
Adventure Awaits! Create Your Own Interactive Story | Still Life Drawing | First Nations Cultural Awareness |
Chess | Card/Board games | Crazy Inventions |
Fitness | Be crafty! | Research mastery |
Sport | Science fun | Ethical Thinking |
Fundraising for a cause | Yoga for beginners | Cine Club |
| Social Design |