Year 5 and Year 11 Respectful Relationships Student Forum
Last week, Cass and two Year 5 students, Coraline and Oscar, attended a Respectful Relationships Student Forum for Year 5 and Year 11 students (future student leaders) from schools in the Ballarat area. The forum was organised by the Central Highlands Area (CHA) of the Department of Education (DoE) as an opportunity to get student voice and ideas about how we can ‘create a better future’ and have a safer, more respectful community. The forum was facilitated by Debra Harris from Communities of Respect and Equity (CoRE), Christian Brown the Respectful Relationship Lead for Central Highlands Area and Trevor Edwards, Respectful Relationship Liaison Officer.
The Year 11 students led the discussions and were great role models for the Year 5 students. It was great to see so many students from different schools sharing their thoughts and ideas. A big thank you to Coraline and Oscar who didn’t go on the Year 5/6 excursion to the Energy Breakthrough Event in Maryborough to attend this forum. They were fantastic representatives of our school.
On Thursday the 21st of November we went to ‘The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership’ in Ballarat. We went as representatives of Lucas Primary School to be in a student forum with Year 5s and Year 11s from lots of other schools. We looked at the topic of ‘respect’ and contributed ideas that would help make a better future for schools across Ballarat. Sitting at a table with other students, we discussed our opinions and answered questions with an open mind. – Coraline, 5/6
We got different activities to do over 1 ½ hours. We started by writing down and talking about ‘To me, respect is….’. Next, we got classroom and playground scenarios where we looked at how we could be an upstander if we were in those situations. We also talked about how our school could be a more respectful place and then wrote down things we could do to commit to being more respectful. – Oscar, 5/6
SWPBS Term 4 Yard Token House Competition
As part of School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS) at Lucas Primary School, this term we are having a BIG focus on celebrating positive behaviours.
For Weeks 7, 8, 9 and 10 of this term, we have a ‘Yard Token House Competition’ with tokens given to students for positive behaviours in the yard. We want to celebrate people making good choices and demonstrating expected behaviours!
Announcements are made daily as reminders of expected behaviours to focus on. Students who receive tokens then take them to class and place them into their House Token container.
The House with the most tokens win a ‘Celebration Session’ in the last week of term. More information on this coming soon 😊
So, what kinds of behaviours might students be given tokens for demonstrating?
We use our SWPBS Matrix of Expected Behaviours as our guide. There are expected behaviours we are to display ‘Always’ and then there are behaviours specific to ‘Outside and Play Areas’ (see below).
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