Team Kids

Term 4

Dear Families, 


It was nice to see you all at assembly and be able to tell you all what we provide the children at Team Kids. I was also lucky to join some new prep families at the information session. The children really enjoyed the Halloween party we had, I think the food was the highlight of the afternoon. Over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed a range of activities like group games art activities I think the most popular group games now are “Octopus” “Dodge ball” and Basketball. Friday, we had a lot of fun trying to say Tongue twisters a couple of good ones are:


1. Sally sells seashells by the seashore. How many seashells did Sally sell by the seashore? 

2. A black bug bleeds black blood. What color blood does a blue bug bleed? 

3. How can a clam cram in a clean cream can? 


Just a reminder that the weather is starting to warm up and the focus now is the UV rating. Some days the rating is very high even when the temperature is not high, and all children need to wear sunscreen and hats when they are side if the UV is over 3. If your child/children need a particular sunscreen, can you please make sure they have this in their bags and if possible, a hat. 


We are looking forward to continuing our fun!

We’ll SPRINKLE the day away on Fairy Bread Day!  🌈


There'll be so many FUN activities planned, and you bet there'll be LOADS of fairy bread for all to enjoy 😉


Are you ready for some COLOURFUL & DELICIOUS fun?

Book NOW –