with Ibu Kregor


Preps have been loving learning how to count in Indonesian this term and have been very busy practising this skill through many games and activities. Some of the games they have played as a class are ‘Missing number’, ‘Memory’ and ‘Buzz’ and with a partner, ‘4 in a row’ and ‘Race to 6’. One of their favourite activities is to listen for an action and the number of times they have to do it and then count as they go. We’ve been doing lots of star jumps/lompatan bintang and counting to six/enam! Preps have also been practising saying how old they are and counting different objects.

Year 3 & 5

Year 3 and 5 students have been learning about some of Indonesia’s endangered animals. They began by mapping the main islands of Indonesia and finding where those animals live. Students then listed foods they like, really like, dislike and have never tried before by using vocab posters and dictionaries to find new words. They then researched foods that their chosen animal eats. Year 5s have also revised colour words to begin writing descriptions of their animals.