Junior Sport

Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival
The beautiful weather perfectly set the stage for the Prep – Year 2 Athletics Carnival, which took place on Tuesday 29 October. Hopefully redeeming sports carnivals in the minds of our Preppies, following their first of these experiences being the very wet Cross Country event, the Athletics Carnival was a day to be remembered.
Students scored points for their Houses by throwing various objects with all their might, jumping jubilantly into the sandpit as far as they could, utilising teamwork skills in several relays and running like lightning in the 75m and 100m sprints.
Each House was represented valiantly, with the focus on participation and doing our best. The end result could hardly be closer, with White House finishing on top, beating Red House by a mere 3.5 points! Blue House finished third, not too far behind Red House.
Every student who participated in the carnival should feel proud of playing their part in the competition and contributing to their team. A wonderful spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie permeated the day. Congratulations to all!
Mrs Carolyn Connelly
JS PE Teacher