Chaplain’s Corner

Transformation Project
As parents, we often get to witness our children grow in ways that are exciting, challenging, and sometimes a little messy. Watching them change – from learning to walk, to discovering their passions, can feel like a long process, but ultimately, it’s about transformation. Recently, I was reminded of how similar this transformation is to the renovation projects we sometimes take on at home. Just as we patiently restore something old, God is constantly at work transforming our hearts, and the hearts of our children, into something new.
Have you ever taken on a home renovation project? Maybe you’ve spent hours sanding, patching, and painting old furniture or rooms that need a refresh. I recently had the opportunity to do just that with some bookcases in our home. When we first moved into our house, there was a lot to be done! Carpets needed replacing, sunken ceilings fixed, and walls repainted. But in our second living area, the bookcases had been neglected for years. They were scratched, dented, and covered in a dated peach-coloured paint that I personally couldn’t stand. They didn’t look like much at first glance.
But just as God sees potential in us, I saw the potential in those bookcases. I knew that with some time, hard work, and a little bit of paint, they could be transformed into something beautiful again. It’s incredible to think, that’s how God sees His children too! No matter where we are on the journey, God looks with eyes full of hope and sees the potential for something great. He sees who we can become, not just who where we are today.
The hardest part of restoring the bookcases was sanding away the old, rough patches. It took hours of hard work, and at times, I was sore and tired. My shoulders ached, my fingers blistered, and I often wondered if I was making any real progress. But as I continued, I started to see small improvements. The holes were filled, the rough spots smoothed out, and the surfaces started to look new again.
This process of sanding and smoothing is very much like how God works in our lives – and in the lives of our children. Sometimes, God needs to ‘sand away’ the rough edges in our hearts – removing the anger, jealousy, selfishness, and pride that can build up over time. It’s not always easy or comfortable, and it can feel painful at times. But we trust that it’s for our good. Just as I was patient with those bookcases, God is patient with us. As Philippians 1:6 reminds us,
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.
He’s not finished with us yet.
After the hard work of sanding, I started to paint the bookcases. I applied layers of undercoat and fresh paint, watching as the colour changed from dull and faded to bright and cheerful. The bookcases that had once been an eyesore were now vibrant and full of life.
This transformation is a lot like what happens when we accept Jesus into our lives. It’s like He applies a fresh coat of love and grace that makes us brand new. It may take time, but every day, we are then transforming, becoming more and more like Him – more loving, more kind, more patient. As parents, we can help guide our children through this transformation by encouraging them to lean into God’s love and share it with others.
Just as I could see the full potential in my bookcases, I know that God sees the incredible potential in each of us. The truth is, God doesn’t make mistakes! He doesn’t make junk. Each of us is His masterpiece, created with a purpose, for a purpose. As we learn to trust God’s work in our lives, we begin to see and understand that we have been uniquely gifted, to serve others and make a difference in the world.
We may not always see immediate changes, and we may have our rough patches along the way, but just as I marvelled at the finished bookcases, we can trust that God is at work. He is transforming each of us into something beautiful.
While the process of transformation can be slow and sometimes difficult, it’s worth it. As we encourage our children and support them through their challenges, we are participating in a much larger process – a process that God is overseeing. He’s in the business of making all things new. So let’s be patient. Let’s trust that God’s work in our children’s lives will lead to something wonderful!
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
College Chaplain