What Did You Do At School?

Wow! The past few weeks in Prep have been fantastic! A highlight was our excursion to Healesville Sanctuary on Friday 1 November. In groups of four or five, we explored the Sanctuary and observed different animals. We loved attending the Birds of the Sky show and squealed with excitement when the birds soared close to other heads! This term, we have all selected an Australian Animal to feature in our Writing Celebration Project. We enjoyed searching for our animal at the Sanctuary and are looking forward to sharing our writing projects with our parents.
Prep Nativity preparations are well underway, with rehearsals in full swing! We have been practising our dance moves and are looking forward, with great anticipation, to the big performance! Make sure you have Wednesday 27 November at 11.00am pencilled into your diaries.
Year 1
We have been working enthusiastically to prepare for the upcoming Writing Celebration! We have each created two imaginative pieces: one about a thrilling escape from the zoo and another about our favourite colour. To bring our zoo escape stories to life, we’ve also crafted vibrant, multidimensional dioramas that capture the adventure and creativity of our writing. We are thrilled to share our hard work with family and friends, and look forward to celebrating our achievements together, showcasing the growth and creativity we have developed this year in writing.
Year 2 and Year 3
On Friday 25 October, the Year 2 and 3 students participated in our annual Late Night and Sleepover. Year 3 were incredibly brave as they dared to sleep over at school for the very first time. For many, it was their first night away from home, but with the reassuring comfort of their friends, they did an amazing job setting up their beds and after a long day of activities, went to sleep. We hope you enjoy the reflections of the students, identifying a favourite, surprising or proud moment from the event.
Year 2 Reflections
At the start of the day, we enjoyed a silent disco. Then we came back to class and did some crafts. Afterwards, we went to the art room and learnt about sea life. At the end of the day, we ate pizza and a paddle pop. It was the best day of my life! Arnav (2B)
The Year 2 Late Night was definitely a huge highlight for the Year 2 students. We ate pizza for dinner, and we had an icy pole for dessert. It was especially good because we ate dinner with our friends. I love how we had the opportunity to stay late at school. Connor (2B)
The Late Night stay was awesome because we had pizza and ice-cream and we got to stay with the Year 3 students. I hope we have more fun with our friends when we sleepover next year. Alannah (2B)
At the Late Night stay we got to dress in casual clothes. The teachers and children came to school with excitement (it was only for Year 2 to 3). We enjoyed the night, especially when we had pizza! Enjia (2B)
Year 3 reflections
I discovered baby sharks are called puppy sharks. I adored touching it although I was holding my breath, wondering if my finger be frightfully chopped off! Claire (3D)
My favourite part of the Year 3 Sleepover was the silent disco. It was the best part of the whole day because we could dance like, however we wanted and there were a tonne of different, amazing songs and it was a blast. Mr Moran even showed off his dance moves – it was very funny. Alice (3D)
My favourite part was that we got to make a hermit crab and a house. I love craft and drawing! Zhen (3D)
I was most proud of staying the whole night – at first, I thought I was not sure about staying over at school, but as it got quieter, I got calmer. Regan (3D)
The Year 3 Sleepover was really fun. We had some delicious pizza, went on a night walk and saw a very scared possum. The possum ran away from us because we made too much noise. It was good for us because we learnt some skills on how to do something at a camp, it helped us get ready for next year. It was a great time to hang out with our friends. Ansh (3M)
I really enjoyed the sleepover. It was a lot of fun to sleep at school and I liked waking up in the morning and talking to my friends. The night walk was so much fun because we saw a possum. Valentino (3M)
We had an aquatic animal incursion, I loved it! I got to touch a starfish. We made mini houses for little crabs. After 3.30pm, everyone left school and we played a game and had dinner with the Year 2s, as well as some delicious icy poles. When the Year 2s left, we went inside and watched a fun movie before going to bed. In the morning, we had breakfast and juice, it was really fun. Summer (3M)
Year 4
We cannot believe we are nearly at the end of the year! We have so many things to look forward to in the next few weeks. We have been working hard on our work for the Writing Celebration next week. We have edited and uplevelled our writing and are now publishing it in different ways. It is fun to think of creative ways to publish our work. We are hoping lots of parents can come and see our work next Thursday morning at 8.45am. We have also been collecting data and learning how to create different graphs in Maths. It is interesting to see which graph helps us analyse data the best.
Year 5
Our Integrated Studies project for this term is based on Shark Tank – our sharks are the Year 3 students! We really enjoyed conducting market research with them so that our business ideas pique their interest. It was wonderful having a Year 5/6 chapel, it was great to listen to testimonies and encouragements shared by our classmates.
Excitement is in the air as we look forward to our first Mooroolbark Community Sports Day. It was wonderful to gather in our teams and get used to the activities we will be contending in. It will be a great opportunity to spend time with the Year 6s as well as showing God’s love through our actions with other students.
Year 6
Excitement is in the air as we count down the last days of Junior School. We have so much that we are looking forward to experiencing over the next couple of weeks, with Mooroolbark Community Sports Day, Year 6 Graduation, our end of Junior School celebration excursion, Year 7 transition, Tabloid Sports and Final Assembly. Although we are fondly reminiscing about our time in Junior School, we are very excited about the next chapter of our schooling and look forward to seeing how God’s plan will unfold in each of our lives.