From the Office 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to those families who have already informed the school that their child will not be returning to Our Lady's in 2025. If your child is leaving at the end of the school year and you have not yet informed the school can you please email the office team - Please include your child/ren's name and school they will be attending in 2025.


Congratulations to our amazing OLPS legends! In term 4 we are celebrating some very amazing and talented students by showcasing their achievements in the front office. We are very proud of our students dedication and determination in all their endeavours. Please contact the general office if you wish to have your child and their accomplishments added to our display!  




Lost Property- Please label your childrens items clearly. All items that are clearly labelled are returned to your childs classroom each day. The lost property bin is located in the General Office and is currently over flowing!


Hats -We still have some school hats  available at the General Office - they are $16 and can be paid by cash or Eftpos. Summer sport uniform can be purchased via the compass app or through the general office. All other items can be purchased from our uniform supplier using the below link.

Have  a wonderful weekend 


The Office Team 🌺