School Captain News 

Term 4 Week 7

What's Happening Week 8 Term 4

  • Year 6A & 6B, Prep C & Prep D Mass Thursday 9.15am

What's Happening Week 9 Term 4

  • Learning Celebration on Tuesday
  • Prep 2025 Meet the Teacher Day on Wednesday
  • Kolbe 2025 Year 7 students orientation day on Thursday
  • School Closure Day on Friday

Joke time!



What do frogs order at McDonalds?






Mini Fete:

We made a total of $4,613.20 altogether, it looked like everyone had a lot of fun. We want to thank all the students and staff and our school community for helping us raise as much money as we did.  We also want to thank all the year 6 students for their hard work in putting the mini fete together.

We asked a couple of year 6 students some questions about the mini fete:


Ibukun from 6B:

Q- What did you enjoy about running a business at the mini fete?

A- I enjoyed simulating a business and raising money for charity!


Q- What would you have done differently?

A- I probably would have assigned the roles better across my group.


Alessia from 6D:

Q-How was your experience of the mini fete?

A-It was absolutely amazing!


Q-What would you have done differently?

A-I probably have brought more stock/supplies.


Behaviour Bucks:


Week 6:

Juniors: 3D with 38 points

Seniors: 6D with 42 points

Week 7:

Juniors: 2C with 42 points 

Seniors: 6D with 41 points


Yard slips:

Week 6: Anika from 4A and Saviana from Prep B

Week 7: Paige from 1C and Ariana from 2A


Joke answer

French Flies!


Have a fantastic weekend everyone, remember to slip, slop and slap as it's going to be a hot weekend.

3 and a half weeks left! Let's all make the next few weeks a great few weeks together.


Ivy. Cruz, Amelia and Lesra