
Congratulations and best wishes to those who celebrated their birthday last week and those celebrating their birthday this week!

Week 6 Birthdays

Michael Prep D

Larson 5A

Maya 1C

Roman Prep B

Jacques 4B

Gabriel Prep C

Francis 3A

Hannah 1B

Varnit 2D

Kavish Prep B

Miss Natalie Galati


Week 7 Birthdays

Stefano 2B

Sienna 4B

Jinroe 5D

Yanuli 1A

Mirelle 3A

Emily 4B

Alexis Prep A

Sifat 2D

Apollo 1A


Krystal 1C

Anastasia 6B

Jacob 5D

Isaiah Prep A

Andriana 3C

Ranil Prep A