Wellbeing news

Anthony King – Behaviour Workshop for Parents
What: SWPBS Behaviour Workshop by Anthony King
When: Wednesday November 20th, 6pm
Where: Caulfield Junior College, SLC building
Anthony King works with schools to support them with implementation of the Positive Behaviour Framework (SWPBS). He has worked in education all his professional life, starting in Secondary education in Melbourne in 1997, teaching internationally and then more recently as an Assistant Principal for 8 years in Victoria before embarking on his current role with the Department of Education as a Positive Behaviour Coach.
This 1hr interactive parent information session will;
- Explore some of the reasons why we humans behave the way we do – more specifically, ‘behaviour science’.
- Explore the philosophy, research, and essential features of the Positive Behaviour Framework.
- Outline Caulfield Junior College’s early implementation journey of SWPBS and what the outcomes of this work have been so far.
- Provide a logic for School and Home Positive Behaviour Strategies.
- Outline some practical ideas/strategies for what you can do at home to promote a positive home environment.
Please register your interest via the form on Compass.