We are quickly approaching the end of the year, and our Prep students have continued to amaze us with their enthusiasm and hard work! Here's a recap of what we've been up to and some important reminders for the coming weeks:


Our Imaginary Animal Exhibition

What an incredible event! Our students proudly shared their hard work with friends and family, showcasing their imaginative animals through detailed posters and creative sculptures. They confidently spoke about their animal’s diet, habitat, unique facts, and appearance. It was wonderful to see their creativity and learning on full display – thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate their achievements.

The second Imaginary Animal Exhibition when the grade 5/6’s came to visit the Preps. The 5/6’s were FANTASTIC role models, getting down to their level and asking great questions like “why did you choose those animals?” and “what do your animals eat?” 


In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of multiplicative thinking using hands-on materials. The students have been exploring grouping and sharing in practical ways, which has helped deepen their understanding of these important concepts.



We are reaching the end of learning our new digraph sounds! This week, we explored 'wh' and 'ng' through spelling and writing activities. The students are doing a fantastic job applying their phonics knowledge to their reading and writing.


Swimming Helpers Needed

Our swimming program is coming up, and we are looking for parent helpers to assist with getting the children ready for the pool and dressed afterward. If you are available to help, please let your classroom teacher know.A friendly reminder that payment is required via Compass before swimming begins.



  • Library borrowing: Library borrowing has finished for the year. Please ensure all library books are returned.
  • Little Learners Love Literacy: There is one more week of borrowing books from this program.
  • Homework: Please continue to support your child in completing their homework.
  • Hats and weather-appropriate clothing: As we move into warmer weather, please ensure your child brings a hat to school each day and is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Thank you for your continued support as we approach the final weeks of the term. If you have any questions.


Foundation Teachers

Prep Team