Please enjoy the final pieces about the 2024 Japan Tour. We hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the highlights of our exciting adventure.
Nara Deer Park
On day 9 in Japan we visited Nara Deer Park. At the park we had the chance to feed the deer. You can buy a special cracker for them made of wheat flour and rice bran. The grumpy old men deer waiting around the stall where you buy the food, can be bossy and rough. So we headed into the garden and grounds a bit to find some more friendly, young deer. The deer are so polite. If you bow before you give the deer the food, the deer will bow back and then eat. Nara deer park surrounds the Todaiji Temple.
By Ansh
Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple
My name is Emmett and I am writing about the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple in Japan and the special experience that we had. Firstly, I would like to tell you a bit more about the temple. The temple was built 745 to 752 Common Era, but the Buddha was built a year after the opening ceremony of the temple. The statue of Buddha was destroyed in a fire in 1180 because of the war against Minamoto. During the tour of the temple, we met a friendly school group. They were from a different part of Japan and were staying overnight. When we told we were from Australia, everybody was shocked. There was a boy brave enough to give us a present and shared some Nara deer food just to show his kindness. Then after that, there was a pillar with a hole in it, that is said to be the size of Buddha’s nostril. If you could get through the hole, it meant you would receive wealth and good luck.
By Emmett
Konichiwa everyone my name is Matilda.
First of all, I would like to thank Martin Sensei for making this trip possible, we could not have done this without you. I’d like to say thank you to Mie Mie for keeping us on track and being the hero when Sensei’s phone died halfway to finding our restaurant, and thanks to Ainslie for being kind and encouraging and keeping us going. So, thank you all.
On the Japan trip, we celebrated two birthdays, Georgia’ s and Griffins. We ate doughnuts to celebrate, and both times we got them from Mister Donut. There
were lots of different types of doughnuts, including Halloween themed doughnuts – they were delicious!
Another great shopping experience was when we visited the Pokémon Centre. A lot of us purchased plush toys that represented our favourite Pokémon character. Here is my little dude Duosion, but I re named him Dragon-berry isn’t he cute!
We often went to 7-Eleven or the Family Mart to get snacks. One of the favourites for many of us were mini grape flavoured sour straps. And we were all constantly looking for new flavours of Fanta, like grape or melon. At 7-Eleven we sometimes bought our lunch. The food is amazing and so fresh. We love Japan 7-Eleven!!
One of my favourite souvenirs I bought was a Daruma doll. A Daruma doll helps you achieve your goals. When you have a goal, you paint the left eye and once completed you paint the right eye – I haven’t thought of my goal yet! It also reminds you to never give up, because when you knock it over it stands back up.
Teachers, I hope you had an enjoyable time in Japan with us. From all the exciting stories we have told to our families and friends, I know we did. From arriving at the airport, visiting the Japanese school, Disneyland, Shibuya, the Shinkansen, Hiroshima, Peace Park, Robot Cat, our cooking experiences, Osaka castle, wearing our Kimonos, feeding the deer and feeding the monkeys. To all the year 6 students who went on the trip, this was a fantastic way to end our primary school years together and these memories will last a lifetime unlike the snacks which have all been eaten.
Thank you everyone for the trip and for everything you did to make it the most memorable experience.