What's been happening this week?

1/2 EXPO
It was so lovely to see so many BHNPS families join us at our Inquiry Expo. The students felt so proud of their efforts and enjoyed sharing facts and answering questions from many parents.
Grade 3 and 4 students delighted in tasting some of the the foods they have been growing as part of our gardening program. Yum!
Today the Year 5 students participated in the final bike ride as part of Bike Education. This was our most challenging ride, tackling many hills on the way to Slater Reserve. The students were amazing! They were responsible, respectful and considerate towards others in the group. They crossed roads safely, listened carefully to instructions and had a fun morning tea break at the playground at Slater Reserve. Congratulations to all of the students who participated on this ride and made it so successful. Thanks to Katrina Bacon today for volunteering to ride with us on her day off. Thanks to the Hoffman family and the Mitic family for lending us extra bikes for the duration of the program-your bikes are now ready to pick up from the 5-6 building whenever you are ready.
Our 5/6 students pitched their small business ideas to our 1/2 students as part of our economics inquiry unit.