Whole School News

Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 4 - Week 7
Prep K - Samantha P
Prep S - Elsie H
1/2P - Arjun S
1/2K - Leo P and Zen A
1/2W - April A
1/2S - Wolfe C and Patty H
2/3W - Mitchell K and Olivia J
3/4B - Sienna D
3/4R - Ray Wu
3/4T - Casper JS and Charlie B
4/5H - Albert HT
5/6D - Jake V and Emma E
5/6C - Andrea L and Abe M
5/6A - Angela A and Sid R
House Cup
Term 4 - Week 7 Winners - Shhhhhh Its A Surprise!!!!!!