A note from Mr Jackson

Transitions between Year Levels
Thursday 11 December
Today we had our final whole school transition session prior to the ‘Meet the Teacher’ Day planned for Monday 9 December. Students were gathered in the 2025 areas in randomised groups, not their 2025 classes. In today’s session students explored the expected behaviours related to their lunch eating periods. This consistency and explicit teaching around positive behaviours arises out of the school values and is part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program. Here is a copy of our expectations of behavior during lunch eating times.
School Council Meeting
Monday 25 November
Our School Council met this week. They received a range of information related to surveys of staff and parents. The principal report highlighted staffing challenges and plans for 2025, class structures and a range of maintenance works. The Facilities group reported on the new GaGa Pit that has been received with great enthusiasm as well as the Working Bee activities the week before. A problem with some vandalism in the chicken coup was raised. Parents are always encouraged to report any suspicious behaviour out of hours to the police.
Towards the Last Week of the Year
There is lots planned for the last week of term.
Here is a look toward the end of term …
- Graduation Year 6
Monday 16 December
We will start the week off on Monday with the year six graduation. We look forward to celebrating their passage to secondary education during Monday evenings Graduation Ceremony. They will enjoy the ceremony at Viewbank Collage Theatre and then return to Rosanna Primary for a dinner and dance!
- Big Day Out at the Movies
Tuesday 17 December
On Tuesday we will bundle ourselves into buses and head to Hoyts Cinemas at Northlands for our Big Day Out. Students will have the opportunity to watch a movie and then return to Rosanna Primary School for lunch. You may wish to consider purchasing a special lunch on this day to support the canteen. Orders will be able to be made shortly on Qkr! Keep your eye on Compass.
Permission slips have been sent home individually to students today. Payment of $25 is due by Thursday 5 December and can be made at the office, on Qkr! or by returning the note with cash in a labelled envelope to your child’s classroom teacher.
In the afternoon, students will be invited to participate in a festival of board games. This is an invitation for children to bring in their favourite card game or board game to share with friends.
- Express Yourself Day
Wednesday 18 December
Our JSC are eager to celebrate our own individual characteristics with a favourite, ‘Express Yourself’ Day. There is more information to follow but this day is a chance for students to wear their favourite clothes and come as they wish. Uniform is not compulsory on this day and our JSC will collect a gold coin collection.
- Final Day of School
Friday 20 December
This day will finish early at 1:30pm. Supervision in the yard will conclude at 1:45pm. Our final assembly will begin at 12:40 pm. It will be a chance to celebrate the contribution of students and staff as we head into our holidays and bid farewell to our Year 6 students. All are invited to join us.
I have had several concerning conversations with a range of students and parents, regarding some racist language that has been shared online and in our playground. At no point can racism be accepted in our community. Our students are encouraged to not standby and enable any racist behaviour but to speak up and report any concerning language.
Of particular concern are some groups of students who have been communicating via discord, in an online group. The reported language taking place in this space is of significant concern. I encourage all parents to ensure that their child’s interactions on social media and the internet are monitored.
In response to these concerns, staff have begun entering into a series of conversations and lessons around the importance of respectful behaviour, inclusion and the value of diversity. This may open conversations at home and provide further support for students to understand the destructive and disrespectful impact of racial vilification.
While students may have little or no understanding of the words that they are using, they should be aware of the impact that such words can bring to others. We will continue to approach any such racist behaviour with an educative lens and remind students that such behaviour is not acceptable.
Volunteers Celebrated
Thursday 5 December
As I noted in a previous newsletter, I am always nervous about our volunteer morning tea. There are so many who contribute to our community in diverse ways that to issue invitations is fraught with the fear of missing someone out. Our Volunteer Morning Tea is a tradition that seeks to celebrate each and every participation. It is a warm thank you from staff for volunteer’s contribution to the lives and life at Rosanna Primary School. At this event, we hope to announce our class structure and introducing some of our teaching team for the coming year.
No Food Sharing Practice
A reminder to parents and friends at Rosanna Primary School that our space is not a food sharing space. At this festive time of year, we sometimes have wonderful foods arrive for classes in expressions of parental gratitude. A range of our students have life threatening conditions that require staff and students to be vigilant to ensure allergens are not shared with particular students. We ask that parents refrain from sending any food items to the school.
Library Stocktake Starts Next Week
A reminder that library borrowing will cease from next week as we begin to complete a stocktake of library resources. I encourage you to dig in your couch pockets and discover any hiding class readers or library books!
GaGa Pit Installed
Sunday 24 November
It has been great to see so many students use the new GaGa Pit this week. This space has added a layer of activity and play for students during recess and lunch periods. A special thanks to all those who sawed, dug, wheelbarrowed, and generally helped out to install this wonderful new feature! It was their special effort and energy that made it all come together. You can find out exactly what GaGa is all about here.
Instrumentalist Concert
Please note the change of date from Wednesday the 11th to Thursday 12th of December. All invited.