Mission and Identity

Connecting with our Loreto Network: Loreto Schools of Australia Committee (LSAC) Year 5 Leadership Program
Last week our Year 5 students joined with other Loreto Junior Schools for an online event exploring how they might be leaders in the Mary Ward Charism next year. The girls heard from Ms Carolyn Young from Loreto Ministries about Mary Ward as a leader, they listened to our Senior Student leaders Aeon and Sophia about what they love about being a student leader. Then Year 5 discussed what they could do as Year 6 leaders next year, and how they would like to be remembered. It was a wonderful opportunity to see the connection that all the Loreto schools shared between them, something so unique to our network of schools.
Vietnam and Cambodia Social Justice Tour
Our senior students are eagerly preparing for an upcoming tour to Vietnam and Cambodia, a unique experience that promises to deepen their understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, being women of Justice and understanding the impact that the Loreto sisters have on our global community. This immersive tour will be much more than a typical travel experience—it will help the girls to learn about themselves and each other by developing empathy, cultural awareness, and a commitment to social justice.
A key part of the tour will be visiting the Vinh Loc learning program in Vietnam run by the Loreto Sisters, who are dedicated to supporting education for children and young people in marginalised communities. This program, which exemplifies core principles of Catholic Social Teaching, especially solidarity, the dignity of the person, and a preferential option for the poor, will give our students a chance to engage directly with students of all ages, and the see the life-changing work of the Loreto sisters firsthand.
Find out more about the Vinh Loc program on page 12 & 13 of the Mary Ward International Publication Sustain here: https://mwia.org.au/mwia-news/latest-sustain-magazine-is-out-now/
Significant Days Ahead
Remembrance Day
On this Remembrance Day, as we continue the tradition of celebrating peace and not war, we will remember this day with a R-11 Liturgy. May our observance of this important day on our national calendar remind us of our responsibility to work for peace in our world as we strive to build God’s kingdom here on earth.
The IBVM/CJ United Nations Office invites us to join with our Mary Ward sisters and brothers around the world to pray for peace at 9am, no matter where you are in the world.
Martina O’Connell
Assistant Principal Mission & Identity
Our Liturgical Life
World Kindness Day Celebrations
This week, our college community came together to celebrate World Kindness Day in a beautiful and meaningful way.
Year 5 Gold led a liturgy on World Kindness Day, which included a short video clip asking students how they show kindness. The maturity and reverence shown by the Year 5G students was inspiring, as they read with clarity, sang with enthusiasm, and participated actively. It was a wonderful display of the values we hold dear in our college community. Thank you, Ms Dottore and Year 5 Gold students.
On Tuesday, celebrated by Fr Chris Jenkins, Reception Blue led a special Mass that was attended by many parents and caregivers. It was heartwarming to witness the beautiful and reverent participation of our youngest students, through reading, enthusiastic singing and leading the processions. Their joyful yet respectful presence made it a memorable occasion for all.
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Next Monday, our college will observe Remembrance Day with a special prayer service for the whole college community. The liturgy will be moved from its usual 8:30 AM time slot to take place after recess to coincide with the 11th hour on the 11th day.
The Liturgy will include the Scripture reading and prayers, laying of the wreath, and the last post followed by the one-minute silence to remember and honour those who have served our country. We look forward to joining together in reflection and gratitude.
Thank you to all our students, families, and staff for your ongoing support and participation in these important events. Your commitment to kindness and community makes our college a truly special place.
Junior School Christmas Appeal
In the coming weeks, Loreto College will launch the 2024 Christmas Appeal. At the Week 6, Monday Junior School liturgy, Social Justice leaders will invite students to bring in donations of mini personal hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and body washes. These will support the Hutt Street Centre.
The following week, we will focus on gathering gifts for all ages, including toys, new books, gifts for teenagers, gift cards, and adult presents. We encourage all families to contribute to this worthy cause, helping to spread joy and kindness throughout our community. The annual ‘Walk and Talk’ picnic will also support this year’s Vinnies Christmas Appeal. More information will be sent out regarding the ‘Walk and Talk picnic’.
Isabelle Roberts
College Liturgist, REC (R-6)
Year 10 Reflection Day
On our Year 10 Reflection Day, we explored Mary Ward's value of Sincerity—a core virtue that emphasises being true to oneself and others. Mary Ward believed that sincerity was essential to living a life of integrity, where actions align with words and inner convictions.
Throughout the day, we reflected on the importance of sincerity in our own lives. We discussed how being sincere means not only being honest but also acting with authenticity, free from pretence or deception, and we considered the immense role that “masks” play in our lives. In small group discussions, we shared experiences of times when we found it difficult to be sincere, either with ourselves or others. These conversations highlighted how challenging but rewarding sincerity can be, especially in a world where appearances often matter more than truth.
The day included guided activities and prayer, helping us connect this value to our faith and daily actions. We reflected on how Mary Ward’s example of sincerity can inspire us to be more honest in our relationships, to trust in God’s plan for us, and to live with integrity. In the end, we left the day with a renewed commitment to embrace sincerity in all aspects of our lives.
Nancy Rodi
Leader of Religious Education 7-12