
Mr Shuttleworth

Natural Disaster Resources

A huge thanks to the team from Ballarat Community Health Community Resilience and Recovery team who have provided us with Birdie Books to help educate and support our students around challenging situations. We will be using these resources with the junior classes over the next few weeks, but families can also access digital copies of the books and other resources online: Birdie's Tree | Children's Health Queensland


How can we get help?

Our senior classes have revisited some resources they can use when they're struggling. Some classes have practised accessing resources on Kids Helpline, including the online chat function. To access their services, go to their website at Kids 5-12 Years | How Can we Help? | Kids Helpline or call on 1800 55 1800.


This service is run by volunteers, so it's not uncommon for there to be a wait to talk to someone. While you're waiting, have a look at the other resources on the website to see what might be helpful for you.


A lot of our students also spoke about struggling with sleep at night. One option we looked at was Smiling Mind, an app that lets you practise mindfulness meditation to help settle your brain before bed. This can be done at any time of the day or night, but a lot of people find it's a helpful way to finish their day. Smiling Mind