Classroom connections

What's happening in the 5/6 corner?
Working with their buddies from Prep B, the year five and sixes from 5/6B had to develop a Superhero which had some relevance to a natural disaster that was studied in Term 3. The Preps came up with the idea, costume and special powers for this new creation; the 5/6B students had to come up with finished product.
Garage Band
Le trimestre dernier en cours de Performing Art, les années 5/6 ont travaillé sur les différents genres de musique. Nous avons créé nos propres musiques avec Garage Band en utilisant différents genres musicaux ; le Jazz, le Classique, le Pop, le Rock, l’EDM et le Country.
Nous avons tous trouvé cette activité amusante. Chaque semaine, nous avons créé une chanson différente. A la fin de chaque leçon, nous avons partagé nos chansons avec la classe et nous avons échangé des conseils pour nous améliorer. A la toute fin du term on a eu deux semaines pour créer une chanson de notre choix. Elles sont toutes géniales !
-Claudia et Hugo 5C
Podcasts catastrophes naturelles
En ce moment, les classes d'années 5 et 6 sont en train de créer des podcasts sur le thème des catastrophes naturelles. C’etait notre sujet d’Inquiry au term 3. On y explique comment elles se créent, comment se protéger et plus encore ! Les podcasts seront bientôt disponibles sur la Newsletter. On apprend comment utiliser Canva, et on a beaucoup de chance que Coby puisse nous aider et nous expliquer comment utiliser le mode podcast.
-Martin et Malo 5C
5th and 6th grade students created some amazing podcasts about natural disasters and books. They looked so cool! The students worked in groups and had a lot of fun making them. They used Canva to create the podcasts, which included lots of interesting facts that made them really pleasant to listen to. They put a lot of effort into their work, and the result was mind-blowing!
-Hawaki, Paul, Remy 5C
Sustainability Goals of the United Nations
During Inquiry the Year 5/6 ‘s have been making and filming advertisements related to the the 17 Sustainability Goals of the United Nations.
We got to choose whatever goal we want. We are in a group of 2-4 and we have to create a special day with a colour, a theme and a name. This special day is to promote and create awareness of one of the goals, for example mine is Health Awareness Day (H.A.D)
You must wear lime green or a four leaf clover on September 3 of each year.
The reason we are doing the 17 UN goals is because it is part of the Sustainability Unit. This unit has taught us a lot about life and the future consequences if we don’t do anything to act NOW and why we need to achieve all of the 17 goals before 2030.
We have all had an amazing time learning about the 17 goals.
Emilie Levy 5D