Deadly Choices

In Term 4, we had a great opportunity to join with the Deadly Choices program which is based with Mulungu Aboriginal Corporation Primary Health Care Service. This program is to support and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy eating choices, complete regular exercise, and prevent and manage chronic diseases to improve their overall health and wellbeing outcomes.
The Healthy Lifestyle Program is a weekly workshop held throughout the term designed to focus on the complexities of living through teenage years into early adulthood. Throughout the term, students have engaged with their peers and staff from Mulungu to explore positive ways to build and maintain healthy relationships with others. As a token of their commitment and participation, these young individuals have been rewarded with a Certificate and Deadly Choices shirt.
We look forward to continuing this important program in 2025, further enhancing the health and wellbeing of our community.
Crisha Barney
Indigenous Liaison Officer