Primary Year 3-6

We have had a wonderfully busy last few weeks of term! There have been excursions, sporting events and clinics, special days to celebrate, musical experiences, learning conversations and a fabulous Feast Day
💠Feast Day
We had a great day last Friday to celebrate our College’s Feast Day. After Mass, we participated in a range of cross age activities and then the Year 6’s challenged the Primary staff to a game of volleyball. The Year 6’s proved to be convincing winners! Thanks to Mrs Holt for not only assembling the volleyball net in record speed but being an excellent umpire as well.
The day finished in the best way possible - with a fabulous Colour Run. Thank you to the P&F for providing the colour and being the colour throwers!! What a great way to complete our Feast Day Celebrations.
💠Parent/Teacher Conversations
Thank you to our families for their support of the Parent/teacher Interviews last week. It was a great opportunity to share information and plan together for the best possible learning outcomes for our students.
Over the last three weeks, Yr. 5 visited Kyabram Fauna Park, Yr. 6’s went to the Melbourne Zoo and Yr. 4 travelled back in time to Polly Woodside. All the excursions were a part of our Geography, Science or History Units. Thank you to the parents who came along on the excursions and to our students for being excellent representatives of our school.
💠District and Division Athletics
What amazing participation, sportsmanship and results we have seen at the District and Division Athletics! Congratulations to all the students who represented St Mary's at both levels. We are very proud of all of you and good luck to the students who will be competing at Regional Level in Albury next term.
We have also had many students involved in netball, soccer and football finals over the last month. Well done to all students who participated in local sporting competitions. We hope you had a great season!
💠Cricket Victoria
Peter from Cricket Victoria came to the school last Thursday and ran clinics for Yrs. 3-6. It was a lot of fun and the children all joined in with enthusiasm.
💠RUOK? Day
Last week, the Yr. 9 students organised a whole range of activities for RU OK? Day. The activities promoted the importance of mental and physical wellbeing and were very engaging for the Yr. 4’s. Thank you to the Yr. 9 students and staff for a great morning.
💠Sacrament of Eucharist
Our preparation for this special occasion is well underway and Year 4 will celebrate the Sacrament on Sunday 20th October at the 10.00am Parish Mass. We had a Family Information Night which gave the children and their parents a chance to share reflections and ideas about this special Sacrament. Thank you to Father Ashkar for his support and insights.
💠Year 6 Animal Adventures
The latter half of this term has seen Yr. 6 learning all about animals!
Our animal topic has seen the children explore a range of native Australian animals, consider their adaptations and their threats. They have gone on to choose one animal to focus on, research this animal in depth and use this animal as a basis of their writing this term. Together, we have created the book ‘Interview with a…’ inspired by Andy Seed’s Interview with a Kangaroo (although we were not allowed to read this before!).
This book involved the children applying their research, scientific knowledge and their writing skills to create their own pages, focusing on their chosen animal. We have a huge selection of animals in the book! From quokkas to penguins, there is something for everyone!
There is something so special about this topic, and we think that you can really see how far their writing has come this year.
Here are just a few snippets for you to enjoy!...
💠Footy Colours Day
This Friday was Footy Colours Day. The children were able to wear footy colours or any code or sporting activity. It is a gold coin donation collection for Children's Cancer and all proceeds will go to 'My Room'.My Room Children’s Cancer Charity is a volunteer-led charity that understands the devastating impact of cancer on families. My Room brings hope and respite to Australian families affected by cancer.
We have had a wonderful term. Thank you for your support and participation in your child’s learning over this term. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday break and we will see everyone back on Monday 7th October.
Catherine Evans
Yr 3 - 6 Co-Ordinator