Office News

As per St Mary's College Policy, all student absences are to be recorded through
PAM - Parent Access Module. If this has not been recorded by the parent/carer, as per the MACS Policy & Guidelines the following procedure will take place for unexplained student absence's:
Student Unexplained Absence SMS to parents:
- 9:15am -1st SMS will be sent
-10:30am - 2nd SMS will be sent
-11:00am - Follow up call will be made to parents to record the reason for students absence.
If all Parent's & Carer's could please enter the PARENT NOTIFIED ABSENCE for your child via your PAM account it would be much appreciated and will eliminate receiving the parent SMS. We thank-you for your continued co-operation in this matter.
At the commencement of Term 4 parents/carers of any students who have signed in late to school will receive a courtesy SMS advising of this. If this is unexpected please contact the school.
From all the office staff, we hope you all have a great term break.
Reminder students return to school on Monday 7th October