Senior School

Vines that choke and vines that support and uplift
As Term 3 comes to a close and our Senior School students look ahead to Term 4, many conscientious students will be sure to carve out some time during their holiday break to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Others will look on with a sense of trepidation and will worry rather than prepare. And some will blithely saunter in and out of the holiday period and may barely notice that Term 4 has begun.
Focusing on the prepared and the anxious, whether it’s capstone assessments, semester exams, VCE practice exams or the all-important final SACs and exams for Year 12s that preoccupy your attention – preparation, focus and attention will be key. What you choose to focus on will also be vitally important.
The Choking Vine
If you’ve ever seen vines overtaking a garden or climbing up trees, you know how relentless they can be. Left unchecked, they choke, tangle, and ensnare. They become burdens, cutting off light and air from the plants they wrap around. Similarly, in our own lives, we face vines that can suffocate us mentally and spiritually.
When assessment and exam time approaches, it’s easy for some students to feel overwhelmed. Like vines that can choke and suffocate a garden, the pressures of study, deadlines, and performance can weigh heavily. The choking vines of anxiety, procrastination, and distraction can creep in, making it hard to focus, prepare well, or feel confident about the future. It’s easy to lose sight of our priorities, letting the stress of study take over, leading to a sense of burnout or helplessness. Such things serve to pull us away from Jesus, our true source of life, and weigh us down. In time, rather than thriving, we struggle to just get by.
In these moments, we need to remember Jesus’ warning:
Apart from me, you can do nothing.
When we try to face these challenges in our own strength, the weight often becomes too much to bear, and we find ourselves tangled up amongst a range of pressures that impress upon us.
The Uplifting Vine
Luckily, vines are not just a metaphor for burdens and anxiety. They can also serve as strong supports, lifting and guiding growth in the right direction.
In her book Chasing Vines, Beth Moore articulates the versatility and value of the grapevine:
The grape was proudly multipurpose, the shelf life it had to offer the ancient world was practically without rival.
Grapes can be eaten fresh, dried into raisins, pressed into juice, or transformed into wine.
Just as the grapevine produces fruit for a variety of purposes, so too does Jesus reveal Himself to the world in diverse and awe-inspiring ways. When pressures begin to mount, we can find comfort, strength, and guidance in Jesus’ words from John 15:5:
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
This beautiful image of Jesus as the Vine and us as the branches reveals profound truths about our spiritual lives. It speaks of both the life-giving sustenance we receive from Christ and the deep need we have to remain connected to Him. When we are connected to the true Vine that is Jesus Christ, we experience that same sense of support and sustenance. Jesus nourishes and strengthens us, enabling us to grow, thrive, and bear fruit in His name.
Lean on the True Vine
As you face your upcoming assessments and exams, know that you are not alone. Jesus, the true Vine, is with you. He will uplift, strengthen, and sustain you if you remain in Him. Let go of the choking vines of stress, fear, and distraction, and instead, lean into His peace and provision.
By staying connected to the Vine, you will not only find peace but also be able to bear fruit in your studies. This means seeing the results of your hard work – whether it’s a greater understanding of a subject, personal growth in managing stress, or even the knowledge that you did your best, regardless of the final grade.
Jesus calls us to persevere, not just in our spiritual lives but in all things, including our studies. If you remain in Him, He will give you the strength to finish this season well. Let His words echo in your heart:
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.
Stay rooted in Christ, and trust that He will guide you through every challenge, helping you to flourish both in your studies and in your walk of faith.
Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Upcoming Senior School Events
Date | Event |
Monday 30 September – Friday 4 October | VCE Practice Exams – Unit 4 |
Thursday 10 October | VCE Unit 4 Concert |
Tuesday 15 October | Year 12 Final Chapel |
Friday 18 October | Year 12 Valedictory Dinner |
Monday 21 October | Year 12 Final Assembly |
Tuesday 22 October | Year 12 Final Day |
Monday 28 October | VCE Unit 2 Concert |
Tuesday 29 October | VCE Exams Begin |
James Avram
Deputy Principal – Head of Senior School