What Did You Do At School?

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming… what a joyous time it was to be a part of the Finding Nemo JR. production. The classrooms were buzzing with excitement as we spent time preparing our best dance moves and beautiful singing voices for the special night. A big thank you to all our Prep families for your support last week!
This week, we concluded our Integrated Studies unit, exploring the concept of building with materials. We created our very own bridges for our model clay goats. This was so our goats could safely cross over the river from the pretend troll underneath, which is from the classic book, The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
In Maths, we continued learning about the wonderful world of patterns. We are beginning to understand that patterns can follow a letter algorithm, such as ABABAB, ABCABCABC, or even AABAAB! We hope and pray that everyone has a safe and joyful school holiday, soaking in some precious family time! Take care, everyone, and we look forward to our final term of Prep! Woohoo!
Year 1
We have been exploring the concept of light and sound in Integrated Studies. We have enjoyed working in teams to make puppets and rehearse our lines. This week, we performed our shadow puppet plays based on various traditional nursery rhymes. To add to the excitement, we were thrilled to perform as Moonfish in the Junior School production Finding Nemo JR.
Year 2
We thoroughly enjoyed the Junior School Musical preparation and performances. We were especially excited to perform for parents, family, and friends over two nights. Wearing the costumes, presenting our hair neatly, and wearing makeup and face paint all contributed to making it a thrilling experience. In the performance, 2D students were dressed as jellyfish, and 2B students were dressed as moonfish. We hope the audience enjoyed our contribution to the musical as much as we did!
In Integrated Studies, we are almost ready to perform our shadow puppet plays. We have made shadow puppets for a selection of short stories and started to rehearse our plays. We look forward to performing our plays and entertaining our peers with our shadow puppet creations.
Year 3
We have had an extraordinary time building our rockin’ balloon powered cars this term. After creating a practice car, we made some changes to hopefully help it travel further. We eagerly blew up the balloons, held in the air, but once they’re at the starting line, you just gotta let them go, you know? Interestingly, some of our changes resulted in our cars travelling a shorter distance. However, we learnt to go with the flow and use what worked well with other students’ cars to help ours be more successful. Cu-ku-ka-cho!
Year 4
We have completed another full term of learning and ended on a high note with our camp to Mill Valley Ranch.
We will share lots of photos and more about our experience in the next edition of The Vine.
Year 5
What an amazing end to the term it has been. Performing in Finding Nemo JR. as sharks and fish friends was so much fun. We watched the performances of the Year 6 students in awe and started to imagine all the fantastic opportunities next year when we are in Year 6!
In Integrated Studies, we have been creating presentations to share our newfound scientific knowledge with others. From water to electricity, to rockets, to circuits – we have learnt so much and love sharing our knowledge with others. Throughout this year, we have been learning about what it means to be a great leader, leaning on the example of the best leader, Jesus. We look forward to continuing to develop these skills in Term 4. Together with our Year 6 friends, we have an exciting surprise for the Junior School … but for that, you will have to wait for next term. Have a fantastic break!
Year 6
During the weeks leading up to the production, we spent many hours practising lines and reviewing choreography to get every note perfect for performance night. On the night, we waited backstage, nervous and excited, for our moment in the spotlight. All our makeup was done, our costumes were on; we were ready. Mr Clarke came up with some hilarious vocal warm-ups about Dory and Marlin which we practised before the show. When the lights went up, we showed the outstanding moves we had practised for so long to the audience, and as the scene ended, we were drowned by applause.
We would like to give a huge thank you to all of the production team, backstage crew and a special thank you to our incredible producer and director, Mr Clarke.
Written by
Nilaa Sampath Kumar (6B) and Lachie Weighell (6G)