General Information & Reminders

Library: There are many students who forget to bring their library bag to school.Pleaseensure your child brings their library books to school each week on their library day. If your child has overdue books they will not be able to borrow.
Parent Helpers: We look forward to having you help in the classroom again this term. Parent helpers will commence in Week 3. Rosters will be posted on Compass. You need to have a Working with Children Check and to have completed the Parent Helper's Course.
The Homework expectations and Home Learning ideas for this term are:
- Hearing your child read their take home book every night. After they have read, ask them questions focusing on who? what? when? why? and where? It's important your child returns it to school everyday in their Red Book Bag so they can swap and take home a new book.
- Reading and/or writing the Magic Words. You may like to play some games such as snap, memory or bingo, or write the word, cut up the letters and ask your child to reassemble them.
- Show and Share for Term 4 will be related to our inquiry and will commence in Week 3. We will send out an overview with details of the Show and Share program via Compass outlining the focus and to give students time to prepare for the weeks ahead.
- Please remember to use the available electronic resources to enhance and consolidate your child's learning, such as the PMeCollection, Matific and Nessy.