From the Acting Principal

The term feels as though it has passed quickly, however the newsletters reflect a busy period full of events for students and families to participate in. This week is our practice exam period for Year 12 students, preparing them for next term’s VCE exams.
We are eagerly awaiting the final completion of The Hub, which is very close now. The Library team have been setting up the Library area, and we are looking forward to seeing the students using this amazing space. Preparations for the STEM areas on the upper floors are underway, with science equipment such as flasks, beakers, and test tubes ordered. Teachers are eager to use the new laboratories for practical activities. Tours of the building and details about the formal opening will be shared at the start of next term.
Last week was the Senior Art and Design Show. Thank you to the very large turnout of students and families who came to see the wonderful works that students have been creating. Over the holiday break, a small extension will be added to C-Block to house the kiln, which has been in storage since the Art area was upgraded. It will be great to see ceramics pieces feature in future shows as the Northcote Model subjects provide students with the opportunity to improve their skills. The Art and Design teams will be running further shows in Term 4 to share and celebrate the work completed by students in our other year levels.
I hope that you received some valuable feedback for your child at the Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSCs) held over the last fortnight. They are well timed for the end of Term to allow students and families to reflect on the learning, and to put in place goals for the end of the year. Once again, both online and face-to-face PTSCs were offered, with many families preferring the online format. We will continue to review the organisation of our conferences to allow as many families as possible to access the conferences in their preferred format.
This week, Chris Jones and four teaching staff took a group of 28 students to China with the Music tour, visiting our sister school in Huaibei. The recent wild weather impacted their scheduled musical performances, however the group have been able to enjoy some wonderful opportunities to view the sights of Shanghai.
A final plug for The Friends Of Northcote Comedy Night on Thursday, which provides a great opportunity for families to connect. A special thanks to Audra Keane and the parent volunteers for organising the event. The ticket sales have been strong, so it's lucky they were able to secure a large venue! I’m looking forward to a night of fun and laughter and encourage you to snap up a last-minute ticket to see the wonderful line up of comedians.
I hope the staff and students enjoy a safe and relaxing Term break, and come back refreshed for Term 4.
Jane Lange
Acting Principal