Grade 1/2 

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec

Term Break Friday 2:30 pm

We would like to wish all our students and their families a happy and safe term break. Thank you to all our families for your ongoing support and we look forward to the warmer weather of Term 4.

Integrated studies

Thank you to Cat for coming to talk to the students in 1/2B about how she helps those in our community by being a nurse. The students were thrilled to be able to listen to each other's hearts beating. 


Congratulations to these students who have smashed out an incredible 100 nights of home reading so far this year! 


1/2B - Home readers and library books are changed every Thursday.

Friday is end of term BBQ, & casual clothes day.


There is also the option to wear footy colours for a fundraiser by JSC a gold coin donation will help raise money for sports equipment to go back into our schoolyard.



Year 2 students enjoyed their final swimming session last Friday. We are now feeling super confident about our swim survival skills and can't wait to continue our lessons in 2025 🏊


Visiting Yabby!

Thanks so much to Judd and his mum Bethany for bringing in Yab for a visit 🦞