Fete de la Primavera

Nov 9, 2024

The fete is fast approaching, and as you may have heard we have some amazing things lined up, including delicious food stalls, super fun kids activities, awesome bands & performances, and heaps of cool 2nd hand stuff. We hope you can all make it down!


In the meantime, here’s what we need help with before and on the day!



We are still looking for more people with an RSA to help out at the bar. Note that it will just be simple tasks required of you like opening a can and taking payments, so no fancy skills needed!


As mentioned if you don’t have an RSA but would like to help out we can organise and cover the cost for you to get one. Click on link to sign up for a short shift, and if you don’t have an RSA make a note in the comment and we will be in touch!




Last call out for anyone in our community who would like to run a stall? Could it be anything from food, crafts, 2nd hand goods, or kids activities? For expressions of interest please email npsfeteteam@gmail.com



A heads up that we will be collecting good condition 2nd hand clothes, books & toys at the start of term 4. Boxes will be located in the old office foyer in the first week of term, so start collecting over the school holidays!



We will also be running a plant stall, so if you have any donations there will be an opportunity to drop them off at school from Monday 28th October up till the event day. They would particularly love some vegetable seedlings but are happy for donations of all kinds.



Lastly, as mentioned earlier there will also be an opportunity to sign up and do a short shift on an existing stall on the day, so if you think you have no time to spare then maybe this is for you. Links to sign up for stalls will come in the final newsletter of this term. 


Don’t forget wristbands will be on sale a few weeks into Term 4, so look out for further info! 


Are you on Instagram? Follow us @newlandsfete and stay up to date! 

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