Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important things you don't want to miss in this newsletter! Be sure to read for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening in Newlands.
- Parent Teacher Interviews
- Last day school finished at 2:30.
- Cultural week Open Learning (Cuba)
- Friday 20th September :1:30 -2:00 - Churros Delivery: Friday 20th September
- School Spectacular
- 14th November - Rockin' Resilience Day
- 14th November - 2:30 - 4:45
- All families invited - Newlands Comedy Gala
- 14th September at 7 pm at Thornbury Theatre - 11th October - Gold Coin PJ day Grade 6 fundraiser
- Community RAP meeting
- 15th October - 2:30
- All NPS community members invited - School Dental Visit
- 14th November
-Consent for by 7th October - Fete de la Primavera
- Looking for BAR volunteers(Please see below)
- 9th September