Principal Post

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 4! I trust that our students are refreshed and ready to be and do their best across a most important last term! To all our families I hope you were able to spend time some valuable time together, even those who were working!
The final term promises to be a very good one with a number of school events along side rich and important academic learning.
Year 6 last term
To all our Year 6 students we hope that the final term here at SJV is very special one. Our Year 6 students have been amazingly wonderful students and great role models and we will endeavour to continue to support them across is very important term and into their transition to Secondary College.
2025 Foundation Parent Night
Last evening we welcomed our new Foundation families at a Parent Information Evening. It was lovely to see many new faces along with some familiar ones. Please welcome our new families as you see them at Transition Days this term.
SJV Spirit Day - December 5
On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support us to be a success.
Please sign up to help using this link.
Spirit day
You need to have a Working with Children. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //
We want as many parents as possible to participate.
Next year we will also hold an SJV Primary School Family Fun Day on March 29th 2025. We will also need many parents and families to be involved tosupport our Parents and Friends create a wonderful family day. A meeting will be held tonight to organise this major Fundraising Event.
Time -Wednesday 9h October at 7pm.
Online- via a google meet ,using the nickname SJV01.
In order to make events work we need as many volunteers as possible so we hope to see as may families as possible online.
Any questions:
Division Athletics
Congratulations to the eight students who today represented themsleves and our school at the 'Division' stage of the Athletics Competition. It is a remarkable achievement to reach this level. All students did extremly well with two students moving through to the Regionals!
For a full report please read the 'Division Athletics' page in this Newsletter.
Bike Education
Our 3/4's began their Bike Education this week. This will continue throughout the term.
The students have their own digital portal to complete throughout the term. Students can can bring your own bike and helmet if they wish or use a school one.
Resilience Awards
This week Leon Garduce won an Empathy Award for displaying kindness and inclusiveness in his classroom and on the playground.
End of Year Testing
Over the next few weeks, our classroom teachers and curriculum leaders will begin to conduct various end of year assessments. These assessments are designed to evaluate students' skills and progress in English & Mathematics. Testing will take place over the first 5 weeks of Term 4. Results from these tests will help us tailor our teaching programs and inform the end of year reports. If you have any questions regarding these assessments please email our Learning and Teaching Leader, Rebecca Chan or speak to your child’s class teacher.
SJV House Sports Day
The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held on Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd)
All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November.
There will not be any staff onsite at school.
Before School Care and After School Care will be held from 6:30am -8am, and 3:30pm-6:30pm - but note: parents must still drop off and pick up from school as there will not be a bus to and from Sports Day.
Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities. F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.
The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian. Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.
First Aid Training
Today all staff completed our annual First aid training. This training included a CPR and Anaphylaxis update.
From the Office
If your family circumstances change could you please contact the office to update and to ensure we have the most accurate information.
For example - Addresses, contact numbers and emails. Thank you in advance.
School Closure Day
Friday 18th OCTOBER 2024
There will be NO School this day for the students, staff will be looking at Curriculum Overviews.