Community Events Page 

Anne Treasure 

Welcome back to returning families, and a big welcome to our new families at Brunswick North West Primary School! 


Primary school can be a great way to connect with other parents and carers and become involved in the community.


The subcommittee for Community Events helps coordinate connecting and fundraising events across the year, we rely on the whole school community to help make these events happen. 


This year Anne Treasure and Brigid Morgan are co-chairing the subcommittee. Anne has children in grades 2 and 5, and Brigid has a son in grade 3. Feel free to get in touch with ideas or questions! 



There are some great opportunities this month to come into school and connect with staff and other parents and carers. 


Wominjeka picnic - 22 February: our community welcome event for the year. 

Bring a picnic dinner to school, participate in a smoking ceremony with an Elder, reconnect with old friends and new! 


Leap maths afternoon - 29 February: a chance to enjoy our extra day this year with maths!



Help contribute to our school community later this term - put key dates in your diary and look out for call-outs in upcoming newsletters. 


Other CET dates ahead:

Plant and Produce Market - 15 March: bake or bring plants/produce, and/or set up and serve at the market 2:30-4pm. We will be asking grade 6 parents to assist with setting up and serving at this event. 



If you want to get in touch about community events, email Anne and Brigid (co-chairs) at 


Please see your Term 1 school calendar for dates or pick up one from the front office!


All volunteers at the school need a valid Working With Children’s Check - click this link to apply if you don’t have one. It’s fairly straightforward and free for volunteers.