Team Introduction - Seniors 

Hola, como estas! I’m learning Spanish for a trip at the end of the year. I’m Martin and my favourite thing is to explore new places. I’m excited to be part of the Seniors team this year. I’m into anything active, especially bouldering, surfing and yoga! Come say Hi!




I teach in two classrooms this year, JT & AT, and juggle the joys of parenting two children, aged 4 & 7. From Monday to Wednesday, I'm at school, but the rest of the week is reserved for adventures with Ted. You might spot my fluffy dog, Maya, accompanying me to school occasionally. Outdoor walks and bike rides are my go-to, especially now that Ted has mastered riding. Coffee, in any shape or form, holds the title of my favourite food. Fun fact: some kids might already know that I'm secretly an Alien from the planet Coffeen.




Hi, Im Celia and I am excited to be team teaching this year in the senior school with Micheal.  Away from school, I like to read, go for walks and catch up with friends. Most of my time I play chauffeur, personal chef and entertainer for my pocket rocket daughter Kowhai who is in grade one this year. 



Hello, I’m Jesse. I have been teaching at BNWPS for over ten years now. I have two children, Olivia and Luca, who both attend the school too. Outside of school I captain a social cricket team called Hard Rubbish and play an excessive amount of board games. 





Hey, I’m Michael. I am one of the grade 5/6 teachers. I've been in the Senior team for 5 years now.  Myself and Tim are the school ICT leaders and enjoy looking for new and exciting ways to incorporate ICT into the classroom. I live in Glenroy with my partner Rebecca and two young daughters, Ruby and Pearl. I spend my time away from school either down at the park with the girls and our dog Aggie or playing/watching/talking about basketball!





Hi, I’m Ann, and this is my third year in the senior school. I’m looking forward to teaching with Tim and getting to know all the students in AT. Away from school I enjoy keeping active by going to the gym or taking long walks. I love dogs and find it difficult to walk past one without saying hello.