Sport News



Last Friday the Year 5 students had a visit to Eltham Tennis Club to play some tennis. Despite being quite hot and windy, the students made the most of the opportunity to build on their skills and understanding of the rules of tennis. We are very grateful to the club and the volunteers who gave up their time. The club is very friendly and welcoming of new members. I would also like to thank the parents who helped out on the day.  

This week in Physical Education

This week the Year 3 to 6 classes have enjoyed throwing frisbees during games of Frisbee Golf and Ultimate Frisbee, while the Year 1 and 2 classes have loved playing a variety of kickball games. 


School Sports Tops

Could parents please wash and return any school sports tops that were borrowed for Year 6 Interschool Sports, Athletics or Cross Country.  


Merry Christmas

I hope you all have a great break. A huge ‘Thank you’ to all the parents that were able to help out at one of our many sporting events this year. I look forward to hearing about what your children got up to over the holidays. Take Care, see you in 2024.



Kristian Bain

Physical Education and Sports Teacher