Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

What a fantastic start to the term it has been! Miss Mawby and Mrs Jacobs are so happy to be back in the classroom, with a fabulous group of students, who are ready to learn. We have spent the last two weeks getting to know each other as a class, and learning our routines and expectations. We have spoken a lot about learning at BPS, and our expectations of students and the expectation of teachers. We have had lots of fun learning new maths games (Greedy Pig and Decades have been a hit!), and have had the pleasure of starting a new class novel.


We have also started learning about our new school values, and discussing how we can demonstrate these values in the classroom, in the playground and in the community. We have had some lovely insights into what is important to students and what they would like to see at school.


We will be starting out home reading program on Thursday, and will be sending home diaries to record home reading. Please see the letter below and on Xuno. We would appreciate it if you could send a book bag or tote (a green supermarket is fine) for students to bring their books home in, to keep them safe. 



Home Reading in 3/4


Dear 3/4 families, 


We are excited to announce that home reading will begin in Week 3. This term, the 3/4 class's have the joint goal of having all students reading 25 nights this term. 


Reading is a fundamental skill and is an ability students will need for the rest of their lives. We want to encourage a love of reading and stories. One of the greatest ways we can achieve this is by reading at home. Reading at home strengthens their language, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Additionally, it will improve their confidence as readers!


At school we will be providing

  • a home reader to track your child's reading progress
  • a library book to take home and enjoy 
  • a Wushka login to enjoy eBooks online

Could parents please provide:

  • a book bag/ tote bag with your child's name to store their books


We will be checking diaries every Thursday, and will have our weekly library visit on Thursday afternoons.


If your child completes the 25 nights or we feel they have shown commitment and effort towards reaching this goal, their efforts will be rewarded. We will be determining our reward, with student input, at a later date.


Can you please ensure that students bring their book bag or tote this Thursday, if possible.


Thank you for your partnership in creating confident readers, 

Geena Mawby and Michelle Jacobs

3/4 teachers