Year 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec

Welcome to our new 1/2 students!

There is a great buzz around the Year 1/2 learning community, and it is so wonderful to see everyone back and ready for another year of making great progress.


Our Quality Beginnings program has seen students get back into the expected routines and habits of being at school. We have paid special attention to our new school values of Respect, Integrity, Kindness, Excellence and Resilience and have made sure we are keeping this in mind as we make choices while at school.


We have also been learning how to make good choices and show Respect and Kindness while at assembly. Take a look at what a great job the 1/2 students did in our most recent assembly! 

Special shout out


We would like to say a special thank you to Miss Kennedy for hanging the butterflies in our sensory Garden / Outdoor quiet space. They look fabulous and we loved searching for ours. Thank you ❤