Bushfire Awareness

In light of today's weather and some questions around closures of schools in our neighbouring fire district, I thought it timely to provide this information to you all.
As part of our annual update to our Emergency Management Plan and safety procedures, Beaufort Primary School has been classified at a Category 4 Bushfire and Grassfire school. Beaufort Secondary College and Elizabeth Watkins Childcare and Early Learning Centre have also been placed in this same category.
Due to this new classification, and in alignment with Australian Fire Danger Ratings System, which took effect in September 2022, the school must close of days forecasted as ‘Catastrophic’ by the Bureau of Meteorology within our designated for district. This means that there are to be no student, staff, contract workers etc. on site on this day. Parents will be notified the day prior or as soon as the school is informed. If the rating is downgraded over night or during the next day, the school will remain closed, as directed by Emergency Management at the Department of Education. If we experience a large number of ‘Catastrophic’ days, the school will consider sending home learning packs with all students to complete on these days.
Our school is located in the South West District.
Additionally, we all have a ‘Shelter in Place’ plan which means, should we be directed to ‘shelter in place’ we must:
- Bring all students into the main building of the school, including students who currently learn in the portable classroom spaces, outside of PE or in the Art room.
- Students will sit together, away from the external doors and windows.
- Airspaces under doors will be blocked by wet towels
- Face masks will be made available to all students and staff if smoke gets heavy.
- Any parents who arrive to collect students will be required to remain at the school with us and ‘shelter in place’ until it is deemed safe to leave.
- Once the fire threat has passed, we will follow the directives of emergency services and evacuate our students to the nearest identified community meeting place.
As principal, and as a community, I hope we never have to enact this plan, however, I felt it necessary for you to be made aware of these requirements. It is all in the best interest of our students, your children, as we want to keep them safe.
Should you have any questions, or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.