
Mr Shuttleworth

The Resilience Project

We will be working with The Resilience Project again this year, focusing on the GEM principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, and Emotional Literacy. Please see the introductory letter below for more information on the program:

Families seeking support

As a school, we receive support from a number of charities and community organisations. This support includes food hampers, uniform vouchers and donations of other resources.


If your family is ever in need of support, you now have the option to put in a request through the following form: Family support request form . Information in this form is confidential and will only be discussed with school leadership.


Please don't feel like you can't ask for support because others might be in greater need. If we have the resources available, we will help you out.


Free sessions with a psychologist

Rural Health Connect is a free service that connects provisional psychologists in their fifth or sixth year of study with local communities. We have some capacity to facilitate these sessions at school by providing students with a private space, a laptop and noise-cancelling headphones to engage with their telehealth session.


Thanks to the families who've already contacted me to organise one of these sessions. There are still plenty of availabilities if you would like to take up this offer for your child or yourself. Click here to make a booking.


Get up to $500 free!

Saver Plus is a financial education program for families and individuals on a tight budget to develop life-long savings habits. If you're eligible, this program will match your savings for up to $500 (e.g. if you save $100, they'll give you an extra $100. If you save $500, they'll give you an extra $500).


Please see the Saver Plus website for more information.

Need to see me?

If you would like to book in a time to see me regarding any wellbeing or inclusion issues, including:

  • Seeking mental health support for your child
  • Discussing your child's needs at school, including exploring assessments or other external support

Please use the following link: