Education in Faith

Faith, Family, Friendship


Wednesday 14th February marks the start of the Lenten season. Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. During Lent we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. Lent is not just about giving things up but also about taking up. 

  • Taking up being kind to others
  • Taking up making time for God in you day.

During Lent we are called to pray, fast and give alms. Almsgiving is  the act of donating services, money, food, or other items to the poor or needy.


Caritas Australia is the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia. Project Compassion is their major fundraiser that runs throughout the Lenten season.

This week we began our fundraising for Caritas and Project Compassion with the 1 and 2s selling pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

Thank you to the wonderful parents that gsve up their morning in 37 degree heat to cook more than 400 pancakes for our students. Definitely an act of service.

Caritas boxes will be sent home and there will be one in each classroom for donations.

Ash Wednesday Mass

It was wonderful to gather as nearly a whole school on Wednesday morning (our new Preps had a rest day). Our Mass marked the beginning of Lent and the beginning of our new school year.

Father Arsenio spoke to the students about how they can become closer to jesus during Lent



Corinne Davis

Religious Education Leader


Parish Fortnightly

All Prep families are invited to attend a “Prep Welcome Mass” with the Parish Community on Sunday 25th February at 9.00 am in the Church.  Following the mass there will be muffins and a coffee cart morning tea.  Please join us to welcome you all to our Parish.


Baptism Information Meetings are now held on the second Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7.30 pm in the Parish House.  If you are considering baptism for your new born or pre schooler, please contact the Parish House on 7036 9395 to register your interest.


Project Compassion boxes are available from the Church foyer to help support vulnerable people around the world, now and for the future.  Your donation can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow.  You can donate through the donation boxes or online at or by calling 1800 024 413.


Ladies Morning Tea is held on the last Friday of the month.  Come and join this wonderful group of ladies who enjoy a laugh and a chat.  The next gathering is on Friday 23rd February in the Parish House at 10.00 am after the 9.15 am mass.  Why not bring along a friend or if you know someone in need of some company, please spread the word and invite them to come along.