https://www.jacksons.vic.edu.au is frequently updated and includes up to date information about school news and events, student achievements, curriculum information etc. You will also find school policies on the site.
Weekly Planning
Teachers are required to upload their weekly planning before 8:30 AM on Monday of each week. Weekly planning is uploaded to FileDrive. A hard copy of your weekly planning is also to be kept visible in your classroom for any visitors, CRTs and ESS. Each PLT have a consistent planning format that includes all elements of our Jackson Teaching & Learning Model. When Teachers are absent, please ensure that a copy of your planning is attached to the Staff Absence Form and emailed to your classroom, ES and PLT Leader.
Wellbeing Referrals
Staff with concerns for the wellbeing of any student can make a Wellbeing Incident report through Xuno. Search for an individual student, then click on the Wellbeing tab and add Wellbeing Note. Any immediate concerns that impact the health or safety of a student must be reported to a member of the Leadership Team . Alex is the School Social Worker and can assist you with mandatory reporting, significant hygiene concerns, family support, Out of Home Care, Police, Emergency Services, Medical Practitioners, Child Protection and the Department of Health and Human Services. We also have a Mental Health Practitioner (Lisa) who can assist you with matters related to this area of student wellbeing.
Wet/hot/adverse day timetable
In the event of extreme weather conditions, students are kept inside during recess and/or lunchtime. An announcement is made from the office to signal that it will be a hot, wet or adverse day timetable. Active Supervision staff supervise their students in classrooms and direct them towards positive play activities. The wet/hot day timetable allocates numerous teachers to an area who are responsible for ensuring that everyone gets an equal break. Please check the right-hand column on the Active Supervision timetable for more details.