School Calendar
The School Year Calendar (Jackson Termly) is created annually as a planning tool for school events and reviewed with teaching staff termly at their Professional Planning Day. Once confirmed, all these calendar dates are inputted into your Xuno whole school calendar and pushed through to your staff iPads. Please check the calendar before committing to any other event. All events must go through Leadership. For further information regarding the whole school calendar, please see Jo.
School Council and Sub Committees
The school council meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. They must meet 8 times a year. The committee consists of the School Council President, the Principal, the Business Manager, two elected staff members and five elected parent members from the school community.
School Documents
To maintain confidentiality any school documents containing student information must not be taken out of the school without consent from the Assistant Principal or Principal. A file room contains confidential student files. The file room is only accessed by the Leadership team. A locked bin is located in the file room for the disposal of any documents of a sensitive nature. All staff notes relating to school business remain the property of DE and can be called upon at any time.
School Strategic Plan (SSP)
The school strategic plan sets out a school’s strategic direction for the period of 2021-2024, including the school’s purpose, values and environmental context, as well as goals, targets and key improvement strategies in the three student outcome areas:
- Achivement (Excellence in Teaching and Learning)
- Engagement (Community Engagement in Learning)
- Wellbeing (Positive Climate for Learning)
Seesaw is an online digital platform that is our main communication tool for staff with parents/carers. It is encouraged that staff communicate with parents through the SeeSaw messaging functionality. At the start of each year please send each parent/carer a welcome message to open this line of communication with them. Messaging can be private to parents/carers or group messaging. Please be aware that if you send parents a private message that only you can see this correspondence and any relevant messages (e.g. bus changes, attendance) need to be passed on to the office.
SeeSaw is also an online digital learning portfolio used by staff, students and their families to upload evidence of student learning. You can upload real-time or previously taken photos, videos or work samples and can be attached to students ILP goals from the Victorian Curriculum. Staff must list a learning intention as a caption for each post which must be of student learning. Posts should be of individual students where possible. Please be aware that SeeSaw is now an opt out for parents/carers but some students may not have permission for posts to be uploaded for public viewing(if unsure, please check with the office). Only connected parents/carers are able to view posts of their child only, unless in a group post. Connected families can like and comment on their child’s posts using their own mobile device or tablet with the SeeSaw Parent app. Digital Portfolios are archived each year but students can see their historic posts as a learning journey of their time at Jackson. Comprehensive SeeSaw tutorial videos are available on the eHelp Portal or via the SeeSaw website.
Smoking is prohibited on the school site at all times. Staff wishing to smoke will need to do so 100 metres away from the school site and out of sight from our students. Please take any rubbish with you.
Staff Details
All staff are required to keep their personal details (address, telephone, emergency contacts) updated using eduPay. Please make sure that the contact details are updated when necessary. This confidential information is important for the school to have in the event of an emergency or if it is necessary to contact you outside school hours. All information will be treated with discretion and stored securely. This information will be displayed on Xuno. Personal staff details are not provided to members of the community. If you use your personal phone to contact parents, it is advisable to turn your phone to 'don't show user ID'.
Staff Devices (iPads and Laptops)
All staff will receive a laptop and iPad on their commencement at Jackson School. These devices should be taken home daily and carefully looked after. All devices will need to be returned to Jackson School upon termination or leave greater than 4 weeks.
For any assistance with devices please see our IT technician, Pushp Bali.
Staff Communication
All staff communication will be accessible through the Staffroom Microsoft Team - there is a work and a social channel within this team.
All staff absences and active supervision changes are published daily through The Portal.
The Portal, is the most up-to-date means of communication and should be checked by staff each morning.
Pigeonholes are in the staffroom for each staff member. Please check them on a regular basis for any documentation. Staff are asked to clear pigeonholes at least once a week.
Staff Wellbeing
Staff wellbeing is a highly important part of our working environment. Students receive the best from staff when staff, are at their best emotionally, physically, mentally, nutritionally and socially. Friday Fiesta happens after school on Fridays in the staffroom or courtyard and all staff are invited to socialise with their peers. At times, raffles are available for staff to have some fun and win something. It is hoped that all members of staff (and where applicable partners and families) attend social activities. Activities are generally organised once per term. All ideas will be appreciated. With the recent implementation of new gym equipment staff are encouraged to use the fitness and gym equipment. Staff who would like specific support can discuss needs with the Principal or Assistant Principal.
All staff are able to access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides free and confidential counselling at various locations. EAP posters are located in the office, staffroom and on the school portal. Staff can contact EAP on 1300 361 008 or request assistance from Leadership to make contact with EAP.
The EAP can also assist with:
- Conflict and communication
- Maximizing performance
- Depression
- Anxiety and stress
- Grief and bereavement
- Elder care issues
- Addictions
- Career path issues
- Relationship and marital problems
- Managing Workloads
The staffroom is for the use of all staff. There are 2 fridges, 2 dishwashers, microwave ovens, sandwich makers, and toasters for staff use. Please ensure it is clean and tidy at all times. If you are rostered for staffroom duty please ensure it is clean and tidy at the end of each day even if you do not visit the staffroom. Staff cups and crockery must be returned to the staffroom promptly and cleaned accordingly. Staff are not to take hot drinks from the staffroom and consume them during yard duty or whilst supervising students.
Hot drinks must only be transported using a cup with a lid.
If you encounter a stranger on school grounds please check that a visitor’s pass is worn. If not – ACT IMMEDIATELY. Inform the office and/or an Assistant Principal or the Principal. Strangers will be asked by a member of Leadership to return to the Office to sign in. In the case of a stranger creating an unsafe environment, Emergency Procedures will be enacted. Listen to all announcements and follow the Emergency Management Practices Poster displayed in each room.
Student Support Group (SSG)
A Student Support Group (SSG) meeting is held once a term for each student as a 30 minute Teacher- Parent Interview. In term one the purpose of the meeting is to meet the parents or carers and allow them an opportunity to share information about their child. This is to support the student’s learning. In term two and four an (SSG) is offered as a phone call to check in with the family and share the student's progress and in term three the teacher shares the students’ progress from the report.
Under DE requirements schools should provide parents/carers the opportunity to four SSGs per school year. Care Team Meetings are also conducted each term for Out of Home Care students.
Student Supplies
Student supplies are purchased in bulk and distributed to classes at the start of the year. Additional supplies are available in the archive room if needed. If you require additional supplies on top of what was provided, please purchase these supplies out of your allocated budget by seeing your PLT leader.
Style Guide
DE’s Writing Style Guide is a reference for employees to ensure that style, tone, grammar, spelling and formatting is presented in a consistent manner across all internal and external written materials and can be accessed here. Jackson also has a Style Guide which dictates which stationary should be used for internal and external correspondence, presentations and publicity. Logos, templates, colour and font information is listed in this Style Guide to uphold our corporate images to prospective parents/careers and the wider community. All templates and official photos are available on the FileDrive under whole school. All outgoing official correspondence must be checked by a member of Principal Team before being sent out, including bulk SMS text messages via XUNO.
The school Sun Smart policy Sunsmart Policy requires all students to wear a hat during Term 1 and Term 4 while in the playground during breaks, during outdoor PE lessons, excursions or any other outside activity. The school has a number of blue ‘Steggles’ hats that students can have if they do not have a hat. It is acceptable for secondary students to wear any hat. Students are also welcome to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes. Students without a hat during breaks are asked to play in the shaded areas. Teachers are expected to support this policy by wearing a hat when on yard duty.
Sunscreen Jackson School encourages all staff and students to apply SPF 30+ (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen daily at a minimum from September to the end of April, and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above. Sunscreen should be applied at least 20 minutes before going outdoors, and reapplied every two hours if necessary.
Jackson School has strategies in place to remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen visuals.
At Jackson School students are welcome to access Woolworths Sunscreen Lotion, SPF50+.
Staff and students who may suffer from allergic reactions to certain types of sunscreen are encouraged to contact Sam or Ivanna for further advice.