Record Management
Public records are any document made or received by a public officer in the course of their duties. Records must be created and maintained appropriately in DE when:
- there is a requirement for accountability
- a business activity or transaction has occurred
- there has been formal communication with the public or other agencies
- to provide evidence of decisions made or actions taken
- there is a reasonable expectation that a record should be kept.
Jackson School uses Accelerus to write reports for our parent community against a student’s individual learning plan goals. Written reports are to be prepared within the designated timelines. Reports are written and published to Xuno to be available to parents at the end of each semester.
Roll Marking
Classroom teachers are required to ‘mark the roll’ on Xuno twice each day, before 9:20 AM and at 2:00 PM. This is a legal requirement and the duty of the teacher. Specialist teachers are responsible for marking the roll of their class. Attendance rolls may be used in court as evidence at any time and external auditors will undertake audits. If a student arrives late/leaves early, they will be required to sign in/sign out at the front office using the Xuno kiosk. Xuno is also to be used for the end of day Bus Roll Marking.
The roll is marked electronically on any device through Xuno. In the event that the roll cannot be marked electronically, paper rolls may be used and are located at the office. These must be marked electronically at a later stage by teachers or if necessary, office staff. CRTs will mark the paper roll and send it to the office for electronic marking.
Each month, a manual roll is printed by the office staff and placed with your CRT folder. It is a legal document. The teacher’s initials must be signed at the bottom of each day’s column (bottom) when it is used.
When a student is marked absent on the roll without a reason already having been provided by the parents/caregivers, the office will send an SMS message to the parents asking for an explanation for the absence. The office staff will then update the students attendance record if the parents answer the text message. If however, there is no response to the SMS then that absence will be marked as unexplained and unapproved.
It is very important that teaching staff identify any student absence trends and follow up with parents as to the reason for unexplained absences. It would be prudent to inquire with office staff prior to contacting parents to see if they have any knowledge of the absence. Please update the roll with any explanations given or provide this information to our office staff so student attendance records are kept up to date.
For any extended absences a written note/email/Seesaw message of explanation should be obtained from the parents/carers and forwarded to the office. The office will then enter it on Xuno. Staff who do not receive a satisfactory explanation from parents/carers should inform the office for further action.
When ongoing absences or regular absences are identified, and you have done your best to try to ascertain the reason for the absence, class teachers should log a wellbeing incident on Xuno and follow up with our Assistant Principal or Wellbeing staff, so that appropriate action is followed up.
If parents/carers contact staff about their child’s absence ie. via a private Seesaw message, it is very important that you forward this information to the office ASAP, so parents don't receive the SMS asking them about the absence. Absence notes will be archived by the office staff at the end of each year. Please see the Xuno Roll Marking Guide